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Results of: Search in Animal Kingdom for Scientific Name exactly for 'LABRIDAE'

Labridae  Cuvier, 1816
Taxonomic Serial No.: 170477

(Download Help) Labridae TSN 170477

 Taxonomy and Nomenclature
  Kingdom: Animalia  
  Taxonomic Rank: Family  
  Common Name(s): rainbowfishes [English]
    wrasses [English]
    labres [French]
    labridés [French]
    doncellas y señoritas [Spanish]
  Taxonomic Status:    
  Current Standing: valid  
  Data Quality Indicators:    
  Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met  
  Global Species Completeness: complete   
  Latest Record Review: 2003   

 Taxonomic Hierarchy
 KingdomAnimalia  – Animal, animaux, animals  
    SubkingdomBilateria  – triploblasts  
          PhylumChordata  – cordés, cordado, chordates  
             SubphylumVertebrata  – vertebrado, vertébrés, vertebrates  
                   SuperclassActinopterygii  – ray-finned fishes, spiny rayed fishes, poisson épineux, poissons à nageoires rayonnées  
                            OrderPerciformes  – perch-like fishes  
                               SuborderLabroidei  – parrotfishes, rainbowfishes, wrasses, labres, poissons-perroquets  
                                  FamilyLabridae Cuvier, 1816 – rainbowfishes, wrasses, labres, labridés, doncellas y señoritas  
    Direct Children:  
                                     Genus Acantholabrus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839  
                                     Genus Achoerodus Gill, 1863  
                                     Genus Ammolabrus Randall and Carlson, 1997  
                                     Genus Anampses Quoy and Gaimard, 1824  
                                     Genus Anchichoerops Barnard, 1927  
                                     Genus Austrolabrus Steindachner, 1884  
                                     Genus Bodianus Bloch, 1790 – hogfishes 
                                     Genus Centrolabrus Günther, 1861  
                                     Genus Cheilinus Lacépède, 1801  
                                     Genus Cheilio Lacépède, 1802  
                                     Genus Choerodon Bleeker, 1849 – tuskfishes 
                                     Genus Cirrhilabrus Temminck and Schlegel, 1845  
                                     Genus Clepticus Cuvier, 1829  
                                     Genus Conniella Allen, 1983  
                                     Genus Coris Lacépède, 1801 – rainbow wrasses 
                                     Genus Ctenolabrus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839  
                                     Genus Cymolutes Günther, 1861  
                                     Genus Decodon Günther, 1861  
                                     Genus Diproctacanthus Bleeker, 1862  
                                     Genus Doratonotus Günther, 1861  
                                     Genus Dotalabrus Whitley, 1930  
                                     Genus Epibulus Cuvier, 1815  
                                     Genus Eupetrichthys Ramsay and Ogilby, 1888  
                                     Genus Frontilabrus Randall and Condé, 1989  
                                     Genus Gomphosus Lacépède, 1801 – bird fishes, bird wrasses 
                                     Genus Halichoeres Rüppell, 1835 – wrasses 
                                     Genus Hemigymnus Günther, 1861  
                                     Genus Hologymnosus Lacépède, 1801  
                                     Genus Iniistius Gill, 1862  
                                     Genus Julichthys De Vis, 1885  
                                     Genus Labrichthys Bleeker, 1854  
                                     Genus Labroides Bleeker, 1851  
                                     Genus Labropsis Schmidt, 1931  
                                     Genus Labrus Linnaeus, 1758 – wrasses 
                                     Genus Lachnolaimus Cuvier, 1829  
                                     Genus Lappanella Jordan, 1890  
                                     Genus Larabicus Randall and Springer, 1973  
                                     Genus Leptojulis Bleeker, 1862  
                                     Genus Macropharyngodon Bleeker, 1862  
                                     Genus Malapterus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839  
                                     Genus Minilabrus Randall and Dor, 1980  
                                     Genus Nelabrichthys Russell, 1983  
                                     Genus Notolabrus Russell, 1988  
                                     Genus Novaculichthys Bleeker, 1862  
                                     Genus Novaculoides Randall and Earle, 2004  
                                     Genus Ophthalmolepis Bleeker, 1862  
                                     Genus Oxycheilinus Gill, 1862  
                                     Genus Oxyjulis Gill, 1863  
                                     Genus Paracheilinus Fourmanoir in Roux-Estéve and Fourmanoir, 1955  
                                     Genus Parajulis Bleeker, 1865  
                                     Genus Pictilabrus Gill, 1891  
                                     Genus Polylepion Gomon, 1977  
                                     Genus Pseudocheilinops Schultz in Schultz, Chapman, Lachner and Wood, 1960  
                                     Genus Pseudocheilinus Bleeker, 1862  
                                     Genus Pseudocoris Bleeker, 1862  
                                     Genus Pseudodax Bleeker, 1861  
                                     Genus Pseudojuloides Fowler, 1949  
                                     Genus Pseudolabrus Bleeker, 1862  
                                     Genus Pteragogus Peters, 1855  
                                     Genus Semicossyphus Günther, 1861  
                                     Genus Stethojulis Günther, 1861  
                                     Genus Suezichthys Smith, 1958  
                                     Genus Symphodus Rafinesque, 1810  
                                     Genus Tautoga Mitchill, 1814  
                                     Genus Tautogolabrus Günther, 1862  
                                     Genus Terelabrus Randall and Fourmanoir, 1998  
                                     Genus Thalassoma Swainson, 1839  
                                     Genus Wetmorella Fowler and Bean, 1928  
                                     Genus Xenojulis de Beaufort, 1939  
                                     Genus Xiphocheilus Bleeker, 1857  
                                     Genus Xyrichtys Cuvier, 1814  

  Reference for:    
  Other Source(s):    
  Source: ITIS*ca, website (version 2002)  
  Acquired: 2003   
  Reference for: labres[French], labridés [French]   
  Source: NODC Taxonomic Code, database (version 8.0)  
  Acquired: 1996   
  Reference for: Labridae   
  Author(s)/Editor(s): Nelson, Joseph S.  
  Publication Date: 1994   
  Article/Chapter Title:    
  Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: Fishes of the World, Third Edition   
  Page(s): xvii + 600   
  Publisher: John Wiley and Sons   
  Publication Place: New York, New York, USA   
  ISBN/ISSN: 0-471-54713-1   
  Reference for: Labridae   
  Author(s)/Editor(s): Nelson, Joseph S., Edwin J. Crossman, H. Espinosa-Pérez, L. T. Findley, C. R. Gilbert, et al., eds.  
  Publication Date: 2004   
  Article/Chapter Title: Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico, Sixth Edition   
  Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: American Fisheries Society Special Publication, no. 29   
  Page(s): ix + 386   
  Publisher: American Fisheries Society   
  Publication Place: Bethesda, Maryland, USA   
  ISBN/ISSN: 1-888569-61-1, 0097-0638  
  Notes: Full author list: Nelson, Joseph S., Edwin J. Crossman, Héctor Espinosa-Pérez, Lloyd T. Findley, Carter R. Gilbert, Robert N. Lea, and James D. Williams   
  Reference for: doncellas y señoritas[Spanish], labres [French], wrasses [English]   
  Author(s)/Editor(s): Parenti, Paola, and John E. Randall  
  Publication Date: 2000   
  Article/Chapter Title: An annotated checklist of the species of the Labroid fish families Labridae and Scaridae   
  Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: Ichthyological Bulletin of the J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, no. 68   
  Page(s): 97   
  Publisher: J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology   
  Publication Place: Rhodes Univ., Grahamstown, South Africa   
  ISBN/ISSN: 0073-4381   
  Reference for: Labridae   

 Geographic Information
  Geographic Division:    






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