Expert(s): |
Expert: |
Roy W. McDiarmid
Notes: |
U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus |
Other Source(s):
Source: |
Checklist of CITES Species Part 2 History of CITES listings, CD-ROM (version 2011)
Acquired: |
2011 |
Notes: |
UNEP-WCMC (Comps.) 2011. Checklist of CITES species (CD-ROM). CITES Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland, and UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, United Kingdom. ISBN 2-88323-030-7. Available online at http://www.cites.org/eng/resources/pub/checklist11/index.html or from CITES Secretariat, Chemin des Anémones, 1219 Châtelaine, Genève, Switzerland |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus |
Source: |
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, database (version undefined)
Acquired: |
2000 |
Notes: |
CONABIO: (http://www.conabio.gob.mx/) |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus |
Source: |
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, database (version undefined)
Acquired: |
2001 |
Notes: |
CONABIO: (http://www.conabio.gob.mx/) |
Reference for: |
Cocodrilo americano[Spanish] |
Source: |
NODC Taxonomic Code, database (version 8.0)
Acquired: |
1996 |
Notes: |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus |
Source: |
Reptile Database (Nov 2021), website (version Nov-2021)
Acquired: |
2021 |
Notes: |
Uetz, P., Freed, P, Aguilar, R. & Hosek, J. (eds.) (2021) The Reptile Database, http://www.reptile-database.org, accessed 12 Dec 2021 |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus, American Crocodile [English] |
Author(s)/Editor(s): |
Banks, R. C., R. W. McDiarmid, and A. L. Gardner
Publication Date: |
1987 |
Article/Chapter Title: |
Checklist of Vertebrates of the United States, the U.S. Territories, and Canada |
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: |
Resource Publication, no. 166 |
Page(s): |
79 |
Publisher: |
United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service |
Publication Place: |
Washington, D.C., USA |
Notes: |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus |
Author(s)/Editor(s): |
Crother, Brian I., Ronald M. Bonett, Jeff Boundy, Frank T. Burbrink, et al. / Moriarty, John J., ed.
Publication Date: |
2017 |
Article/Chapter Title: |
Scientific and Standard English Names of Amphibians and Reptiles of North America North of Mexico, with Comments Regarding Confidence in Our Understanding, Eighth Ed. |
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: |
Herpetological Circular, no. 43 |
Page(s): |
102 |
Publisher: |
Publication Place: |
978-1-946681-003 |
Notes: |
Available free as PDF, and as updated database, at https://ssarherps.org/publications/north-american-checklist/ |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus, American Crocodile [English] |
Author(s)/Editor(s): |
Flores-Villela, Oscar / McCoy, C. J., ed.
Publication Date: |
1993 |
Article/Chapter Title: |
Herpetofauna Mexicana: Lista anotada de las especies de anfibios y reptiles de México, cambios taxonómicos recientes, y nuevas especies |
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: |
Carnegie Museum of Natural History Special Publication, no. 17 |
Page(s): |
iv + 73 |
Publisher: |
Carnegie Museum of Natural History |
Publication Place: |
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA |
0-911239-42-1 |
Notes: |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus |
Author(s)/Editor(s): |
King, F. W., and R. L. Burke, eds.
Publication Date: |
1989 |
Article/Chapter Title: |
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: |
Crocodilian, Tuatara, and Turtle Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference |
Page(s): |
Publisher: |
Association of Systematics Collections |
Publication Place: |
Washington, D.C., USA |
0-942924-15-0 |
Notes: |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus |
Author(s)/Editor(s): |
Meganathan, P.R., Bhawna Dubey, Mark A. Batzer, David A. Ray, Ikramul Haque
Publication Date: |
2010 |
Article/Chapter Title: |
Molecular phylogenetic analyses of genus Crocodylus (Eusuchia, Crocodylia, Crocodylidae) and the taxonomic position of Crocodylus porosus |
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 57, no. 1 |
Page(s): |
393-402 |
Publisher: |
Publication Place: |
1055-7903 |
Notes: |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus |
Author(s)/Editor(s): |
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Date: |
1979 |
Article/Chapter Title: |
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing With Endangered Status for the American Crocodile Throughout Its Range and the Saltwater Crocodile Exclusive of the Papua New Guinea Population |
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: |
Federal Register, vol. 44, no. 244 |
Page(s): |
75074-75076 |
Publisher: |
Publication Place: |
Notes: |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus |
Author(s)/Editor(s): |
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Date: |
2007 |
Article/Chapter Title: |
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassification of the American Crocodile Distinct Population Segment in Florida From Endangered to Threatened |
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: |
Federal Register, vol. 72, no. 53 |
Page(s): |
13027-13041 |
Publisher: |
Publication Place: |
Notes: |
Reference for: |
Crocodylus acutus |