| Kingdom | Animalia
– Animal, animaux, animals |
| Subkingdom | Bilateria
– triploblasts |
| Infrakingdom | Deuterostomia
| Phylum | Chordata
– cordés, cordado, chordates |
| Subphylum | Vertebrata
– vertebrado, vertébrés, vertebrates |
| Infraphylum | Gnathostomata
| Superclass | Tetrapoda
| Class | Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758
– mammifères, mamífero, mammals |
| Subclass | Theria Parker and Haswell, 1897
| Infraclass | Eutheria Gill, 1872
| Order | Eulipotyphla Waddell, Okada and Hasegawa, 1999
| Family | Soricidae G. Fischer, 1814
– shrews |
| Subfamily | Soricinae G. Fischer, 1814
| Tribe | Soricini G. Fischer, 1814
– long-tailed shrews |
| Genus | Sorex Linnaeus, 1758 – red-toothed shrews |
Direct Children: |
| Species |
Sorex alaskanus Merriam, 1900
– Glacier Bay Water Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex albibarbis (Cope, 1862)
– Eastern Water Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex alpinus Schinz, 1837
– Alpine Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex altoensis Carraway, 2007
– Alto Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex antinorii Bonaparte, 1840
– Valais Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758
– Common Shrew, Eurasian Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex arcticus Kerr, 1792
– black-backed shrew, saddle-back shrew, musaraigne arctique, Arctic Shrew, musaraigne nordique | |
| Species |
Sorex arizonae Diersing and Hoffmeister, 1977
– Musaraña de Arizona, Arizona Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex asper Thomas, 1914
– Tien Shan Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex bairdi Merriam, 1895
– Baird's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex bedfordiae Thomas, 1911
– Lesser Striped Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex bendirii (Merriam, 1884)
– Bendire's shrew, Bendire's water shrew, Pacific marsh shrew, Marsh Shrew, Pacific water shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex buchariensis Ognev, 1921
– Buchara Shrew, Pamir Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex caecutiens Laxmann, 1788
– Laxmann's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex camtschaticus Yudin, 1972
– Kamchatka Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex cansulus Thomas, 1912
– Gansu Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex chiapensis Jackson, 1925
– Chiapan Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex cinereus Kerr, 1792
– common shrew, Masked Shrew, musaraigne cendrée, Cinereus Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex coronatus Millet, 1828
– Millet's Shrew, Crowned Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex cristobalensis Jackson, 1925
– Saussure's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex cylindricauda A. Milne-Edwards, 1872
– Stripe-backed Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex daphaenodon Thomas, 1907
– Siberian Large-toothed Shrew, Large-toothed Siberian Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex dispar Batchelder, 1911
– Rock Shrew, musaraigne longicaude, gray long-tailed shrew, Long-tailed Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex emarginatus Jackson, 1925
– Zacatecas Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex excelsus G. M. Allen, 1923
– Chinese Highland Shrew, Lofty Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex fontinalis Hollister, 1911
– eastern shrew, Maryland shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex fumeus G. M. Miller, 1895
– smokey shrew, musaraigne fuligineuse, Smoky Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex gracillimus Thomas, 1907
– Slender Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex granarius G. S. Miller, 1910
– Iberian Shrew, Lagranja Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex haydeni Baird, 1857
– Hayden's shrew, Prairie Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex hosonoi Imaizumi, 1954
– Azumi Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex hoyi Baird, 1857
– Pygmy Shrew, musaraigne pygmée, American Pygmy Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex ibarrai Matson and McCarthy, 2005
– Ibarra's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex isodon Turov, 1924
– Taiga Shrew, Even-toothed Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex ixtlanensis Carraway, 2007
– Ixtlan Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex jacksoni Hall and Gilmore, 1932
– St. Lawrence Island Shrew, Saint Lawrence Island Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex leucogaster Kuroda, 1933
– Paramushir Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex longirostris Bachman, 1837
– Southeastern Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex lyelli Merriam, 1902
– Lyell shrew, Mount Lyell shrew, Mt. Lyell Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex macrodon Merriam, 1895
– Large-toothed Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex madrensis Matson and Ordóñez-Garza, 2017
– Sierra Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex maritimensis Smith, 1939
– Maritime Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex mccarthyi Matson and Ordóñez-Garza, 2017
– McCarthy's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex mediopua Carraway, 2007
– Jalisco Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex merriami Dobson, 1890
– Merriam's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex milleri Jackson, 1947
– Carmen Mountain Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex minutissimus Zimmermann, 1780
– Eurasian Least Shrew, miniscule shrew, Asian minute shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex minutus Linnaeus, 1766
– Eurasian Pygmy Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex mirabilis Ognev, 1937
– Ussuri Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex monticolus Merriam, 1890
– Montane Shrew, Dusky Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex mutabilis Merriam, 1898
– Mutable Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex nanus Merriam, 1895
– Rocky Mountain dwarf shrew, Dwarf Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex navigator (Baird, 1858)
– Western Water Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex neomexicanus Bailey, 1913
– New Mexico Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex oreopolus Merriam, 1892
– Mexican Long-tailed Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex orizabae Merriam, 1895
– Orizaba Long-tailed Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex ornatus Merriam, 1895
– Suisun shrew, Musaraña adornada, Ornate Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex pacificus Coues, 1877
– Pacific Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex palustris Richardson, 1828
– northern water shrew, Water Shrew, musaraigne palustre, American Water Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex planiceps G. S. Miller, 1911
– Kashmir Pygmy Shrew, Kashmir Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex portenkoi Stroganov, 1956
– Portenko's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex preblei Jackson, 1922
– malheur shrew, Preble's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex pribilofensis Merriam, 1895
– Pribilof Island Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex raddei Satunin, 1895
– Radde's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex roboratus Hollister, 1913
– Flat-skulled Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex rohweri R. L. Rausch, Feagin and V. R. Rausch, 2007
– Olympic Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex salvini Merriam, 1897
– Salvin's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex samniticus Altobello, 1926
– Apennine Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex satunini Ognev, 1922
– Caucasian Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex saussurei Merriam, 1892
– Saussure's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex sclateri Merriam, 1897
– Sclater's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex shinto Thomas, 1905
– Shinto Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex sinalis Thomas, 1912
– Chinese Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex sonomae Jackson, 1921
– Fog Shrew, Sonoma shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex stizodon Merriam, 1895
– San Cristobal Shrew, Pale-toothed Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex tenellus Merriam, 1895
– great basin dwarf shrew, Inyo Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex thibetanus Kastschenko, 1905
– Tibetan Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex trowbridgii Baird, 1857
– Trowbridge's Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex tundrensis Merriam, 1900
– Tundra Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex ugyunak R. M. Anderson and Rand, 1945
– Barren Ground Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex unguiculatus Dobson, 1890
– Long-clawed Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex vagrans Baird, 1858
– wandering shrew, Vagrant Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex ventralis Merriam, 1895
– Chestnut-bellied Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex veraecrucis Jackson, 1925
– Veracruz Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex veraepacis Alston, 1877
– Verapaz Shrew | |
| Species |
Sorex volnuchini Ognev, 1922
– Caucasian Pygmy Shrew | |