Taxonomic Hierarchy
| Kingdom | Animalia
– Animal, animaux, animals |
| Phylum | Cnidaria Hatschek, 1888
– cnidarians, coelenterates, cnidaires, coelentérés, água viva, anêmona, caravela, cnidario, coral, hidra |
| Subphylum | Medusozoa
| Class | Hydrozoa Owen, 1843
– hydralike animals, hydroids, hydrozoans, hydraires, hydrozoaires, água viva, hidra, hidrozoa, hidrozoário, pólipo |
| Subclass | Trachylina
| Order | Trachymedusae Haeckel, 1866
| Family | Rhopalonematidae Russell, 1953 |
Direct Children: |
| Genus |
Aglantha Haeckel, 1879
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| Genus |
Aglaura Péron and Lesueur, 1809
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| Genus |
Amphogona Browne, 1905
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| Genus |
Arctapodema Dall, 1907
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| Genus |
Benthocodon Larson and Harbison, 1990
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| Genus |
Colobonema Vanhöffen, 1902
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| Genus |
Crossota Vanhöffen, 1902
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| Genus |
Homoeonema Maas, 1893
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| Genus |
Pantachogon Maas, 1893
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| Genus |
Persa McCrady, 1857
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| Genus |
Ransonia Kramp, 1947
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| Genus |
Rhopalonema Gegenbaur, 1856
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| Genus |
Sminthea Gegenbaur, 1856
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| Genus |
Stauraglaura Haeckel, 1879
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| Genus |
Tetrorchis Bigelow, 1909
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| Genus |
Vampyrocrossota Thuesen, 1993
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