Taxonomic Hierarchy
| Kingdom | Animalia
– Animal, animaux, animals |
| Subkingdom | Bilateria
– triploblasts |
| Infrakingdom | Deuterostomia
| Phylum | Chordata
– cordés, cordado, chordates |
| Subphylum | Vertebrata
– vertebrado, vertébrés, vertebrates |
| Infraphylum | Gnathostomata
| Superclass | Actinopterygii
– ray-finned fishes, spiny rayed fishes, poisson épineux, poissons ŕ nageoires rayonnées |
| Class | Teleostei
| Superorder | Ostariophysi
| Order | Siluriformes
– silures, catfishes |
| Family | Lacantuniidae Rodiles-Hernández, Hendrickson and Lundberg, 2005 |
Direct Children: |
| Genus | Lacantunia Rodiles-Hernández, Hendrickson and Lundberg, 2005
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