Taxonomic Hierarchy
| Kingdom | Animalia
– Animal, animaux, animals |
| Subkingdom | Bilateria
– triploblasts |
| Infrakingdom | Protostomia
| Superphylum | Ecdysozoa
| Phylum | Arthropoda
– Artrópode, arthropodes, arthropods |
| Subphylum | Hexapoda
– hexapods |
| Class | Insecta
– insects, hexapoda, inseto, insectes |
| Subclass | Pterygota
– insects ailés, winged insects |
| Infraclass | Neoptera
– modern, wing-folding insects |
| Superorder | Holometabola
| Order | Lepidoptera
– butterflies, moths, papillons, papillons de nuit, Borboleta, Mariposa |
| Superfamily | Papilionoidea Latreille, 1802
– butterflies, papillons |
| Family | Nymphalidae Rafinesque, 1815
– admirals, anglewings, brush-footed butterflies, checker-spots, crescent-spots, fritillaries, mourningclocks, purples, brushfoot butterflies, Brushfooted Butterflies |
| Subfamily | Nymphalinae Rafinesque, 1815
– True Brushfoots |
| Tribe | Melitaeini Newman, 1870
| Subtribe | Chlosynina
| Genus | Chlosyne Butler, 1870
| Species | Chlosyne acastus (W. H. Edwards, 1874) – Sagebrush Checkerspot |
Direct Children: |
| Subspecies |
Chlosyne acastus acastus (W. H. Edwards, 1874)
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| Subspecies |
Chlosyne acastus arkanyon M. Fisher and Scott, 2006
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| Subspecies |
Chlosyne acastus dorothyi Bauer, 1975
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| Subspecies |
Chlosyne acastus neumoegeni (Skinner, 1895)
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| Subspecies |
Chlosyne acastus robusta Austin in T. Emmel, 1998
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| Subspecies |
Chlosyne acastus sabina (W. G. Wright, 1905)
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| Subspecies |
Chlosyne acastus sterope (W. H. Edwards, 1870)
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| Subspecies |
Chlosyne acastus vallismortis (J. Johnson, 1938)
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| Subspecies |
Chlosyne acastus waucoba J. Emmel, T. Emmel and Mattoon in T. Emmel, 1998
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