Integrated Taxonomic Information System - Taxon Author Search Results

Publication: Svetlov, Pavel Trigornyevitch 1925 Nekotorye dannye o faune Oligochaeta Cherdynskogto Kraya [Einige Angaben über die Oligochaetenfauna des Tscherdynbezirkes (Uralgebeit)] [ Some data on the oligochaete fauna of Cherdyn border Iszvestiya Biol. Nauchnoissled. Inst. Pri Permsk. Gos. Univ. [Bulletin de l'Institut des Recherches Biologiques d'Université de Permskoms], vol. 3, no. 10] 471-475

ITIS records citing this publication
 Kingdom Animalia
  Chaetogaster setosus Svetlov, 1925 -- valid -- aquatic oligochaete worm

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