Integrated Taxonomic Information System - Taxon Author Search Results

Publication: Kogan, Marcos, and S. J. Oliveira 1964 New Guinean Mengeidae and Myrmecolacidae of the American Museum of Natural History (Strepsiptera) Studia Entomologica, vol. 7, no. 1-4 459-470

ITIS records citing this publication
 Kingdom Animalia
  Caenocholax acutipennis Kogan and Oliveira, 1964 -- invalid
  Myrmecolax longipalpis Kogan and Oliveira, 1964 -- valid
  Myrmecolax odontognathus Kogan and Oliveira, 1964 -- valid
  Triozocera papuana Kogan and Oliveira, 1964 -- valid

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