Kingdom Animalia |
Acronicta albarufa Grote, 1874 -- valid -- Barrens Dagger Moth |
Acronicta dolli (Barnes and McDunnough, 1918) -- valid -- Doll's Dagger Moth |
Agonum belleri (Hatch, 1933) -- valid -- Beller's ground beetle |
Agosia chrysogaster Girard, 1856 -- valid -- Longfin Dace, pupo panzaverde |
Agrotis cremata (Butler, 1880) -- valid |
Agrotis melanoneura (Meyrick, 1899) -- valid |
Agrotis microreas Meyrick, 1899 -- valid |
Allocrangonyx hubrichti Holsinger, 1971 -- valid -- Central Missouri cave amphipod |
Allocrangonyx pellucidus (Mackin, 1935) -- valid -- Oklahoma cave amphipod |
Amblyopsis spelaea DeKay, 1842 -- valid -- northern cavefish |
Ammospermophilus nelsoni (Merriam, 1893) -- valid -- San Joaquin antelope ground squirrel, San Joaquin antelope squirrel, Nelson's Antelope Squirrel, Nelson's antelope ground squirrel |
Anchotefflus gracilis Sharp, 1903 -- invalid -- gracile anchotefflus ground beetle |
Anomala exigua (Schwarz, 1878) -- valid -- Exiguous anomalan scarab |
Anomala eximia Potts, 1976 -- valid -- Archbold anomalan scarab |
Anomala tibialis Schaeffer, 1906 -- valid -- Tibial scarab |
Anomis vulpicolor (Meyrick, 1928) -- valid |
Apamea smythi Franclemont, 1952 -- valid |
Aphelocoma coerulescens cana Pitelka, 1951 -- invalid -- Eagle Mountain scrub jay |
Aphodius fordi Gordon, 1974 -- invalid -- Ford's aphodius scarab |
Aphodius troglodytes Hubbard, 1894 -- invalid -- Aphodius tortoise commensal scarab |
Apterocyclus honoluluensis Waterhouse, 1871 -- valid -- Kauai flightless stag beetle |
Archoplites interruptus (Girard, 1854) -- valid -- Sacramento Perch |
Ataenius superficialis Cartwright, 1974 -- invalid -- Big Pine Key ataenius dung beetle |
Ataenius woodruffi Cartwright, 1974 -- invalid -- Woodruff's ataenius dung beetle |
Atelothrus transiens Sharp, 1903 -- invalid -- transient atelothrus ground beetle |
Blackburnia insignis Sharp, 1878 -- valid -- Oahu Blackburnia ground beetle |
Blarina brevicauda aloga Bangs, 1902 -- invalid -- Martha's Vineyard short-tailed shrew |
Blarina brevicauda compacta Bangs, 1902 -- invalid -- Nantucket short-tailed shrew |
Blarina brevicauda shermani Hamilton, 1955 -- invalid -- Sherman's short-tailed shrew |
Blarina hylophaga plumbea Davis, 1941 -- valid -- Aransas short-tailed shrew |
Caecidotea barri (Steeves, 1965) -- valid -- Clifton Cave isopod |
Caecidotea cannulus (Steeves, 1963) -- invalid |
Caecidotea carolinensis Lewis and Bowman, 1977 -- valid -- Bennets Mill Cave water slater |
Caecidotea filicispeluncae Bowman and Hobbs, 1983 -- valid |
Caecidotea franzi (Holsinger and Steeves, 1971) -- valid -- Franz's isopod |
Caecidotea macropropoda Chase and Blair, 1937 -- valid -- bat cave isopod |
Caecidotea nickajackensis Packard, 1881 -- valid -- Nickajack Cave isopod |
Caecidotea simonini (Bresson, 1955) -- valid |
Caecidotea sinuncus (Steeves, 1965) -- valid |
Caecidotea tomalensis (Harford, 1877) -- valid |
Campostoma ornatum Girard, 1856 -- valid -- Mexican Stoneroller, rodapiedras mexicano |
Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus couesi Sharpe, 1881 -- valid -- San Diego cactus wren |
Catocala pretiosa pretiosa Lintner, 1876 -- valid -- Precious Underwing |
Catostomus clarki intermedius (Tanner, 1942) -- invalid -- White River desert sucker |
Catostomus insignis Baird and Girard, 1854 -- valid -- Sonora Sucker, matalote de Sonora |
Catostomus latipinnis Baird and Girard, 1853 -- valid -- Flannelmouth Sucker, matalote boca de franela |
Catostomus occidentalis lacusanserinus Fowler, 1913 -- valid -- Goose Lake Sucker |
Catostomus snyderi Gilbert, 1898 -- valid -- Klamath Largescale Sucker |
Charadrius alexandrinus tenuirostris Lawrence, 1862 -- invalid -- southeastern snowy plover |
Choeronycteris mexicana Tschudi, 1844 -- valid -- Murciélago trompudo, Mexican Long-tongued Bat |
Cicindela arenicola Rumpp, 1967 -- valid -- St. Anthony Dune Tiger Beetle, Idaho dunes tiger beetle |
Cicindela cazieri Vogt, 1949 -- valid -- Cazier's Tiger Beetle |
Cicindela chlorocephala smythi E. Harris, 1913 -- invalid -- Smyth's Tiger Beetle |
Cicindela hirticollis abrupta Casey, 1913 -- valid -- Sacramento Valley Hairy-necked Tiger Beetle |
Cicindela hirticollis gravida LeConte, 1851 -- valid -- Pacific Hairy-necked Tiger Beetle |
Cicindela latesignata obliviosa Casey, 1913 -- invalid -- Oblivious tiger beetle |
Cicindela marginipennis Dejean, 1831 -- valid -- Cobblestone Tiger Beetle |
Cicindela nevadica olmosa Vaurie, 1951 -- invalid -- Los Olmos Tiger Beetle |
Cicindela nigrocoerulea subtropica Vogt, 1949 -- valid -- Subtropical Black Sky Tiger Beetle, Subtropic Tiger Beetle, Subtropical blue-black tiger beetle |
Cicindela obsoleta neojuvenilis Vogt, 1949 -- valid -- Rio Grande Grassland Tiger Beetle, Neojuvenile Tiger Beetle |
Cicindela oregona maricopa Leng, 1902 -- valid -- Maricopa Tiger Beetle |
Cicindela politula barbarannae Sumlin, 1976 -- invalid -- Barbara Anne's Tiger Beetle, Barbara Ann's tiger beetle |
Cicindela politula petrophila Sumlin, 1985 -- valid -- Guadalupe Mountains Tiger Beetle, Rock-loving Tiger Beetle |
Cicindela tranquebarica viridissima Fall, 1910 -- valid -- Santa Ana Tiger Beetle, Greenest Tiger Beetle |
Clonophis kirtlandii (Kennicott, 1856) -- valid -- Kirtland's Snake |
Coenonycha clementina Casey, 1909 -- valid -- San Clemente Island coenonycha beetle |
Coleonyx switaki (Murphy, 1974) -- valid -- Barefoot Gecko, Cuija descalza, Switak's Banded Gecko |
Coleonyx variegatus abbotti Klauber, 1945 -- valid -- San Diego Banded Gecko |
Copablepharon fuscum Troubridge and L. G. Crabo, 1996 -- valid -- Sand-verbena Moth |
Copris gopheri Hubbard, 1894 -- valid -- Copris tortoise commensal scarab |
Coregonus kiyi (Koelz, 1921) -- valid -- kiyi |
Coregonus reighardi (Koelz, 1924) -- valid -- shortnose cisco |
Coregonus zenithicus (Jordan and Evermann, 1909) -- valid -- longjaw cisco, shortjaw cisco |
Crangonyx dearolfi Shoemaker, 1942 -- valid -- Pennsylvania cave crangonyctid, Dearolf's cave amphipod |
Crangonyx grandimanus Bousfield, 1963 -- valid -- Florida cave crangonyctid |
Crangonyx hobbsi Shoemaker, 1941 -- valid -- Hobbs cave crangonyctid, Hobb's cave amphipod |
Cycleptus elongatus (Lesueur, 1817) -- valid -- Blue Sucker, matalote azul |
Cyclocephala miamiensis Howden and Endrödi, 1966 -- valid -- Miami roundhead scarab |
Cynomys ludovicianus arizonensis Mearns, 1890 -- valid -- Arizona black-tailed prairie dog |
Cyprinella callisema (Jordan, 1877) -- valid -- Ocmulgee Shiner |
Cyprinella callitaenia (Bailey and Gibbs, 1956) -- valid -- Bluestripe Shiner |
Cyprinella proserpina (Girard, 1856) -- valid -- carpita del Norte, carpita río del norte, Proserpine Shiner |
Cyprinodon eximius Girard, 1859 -- valid -- Conchos pupfish, cachorrito del Conchos |
Cyprinodon nevadensis shoshone Miller, 1948 -- valid -- Shoshone pupfish |
Cyprinodon tularosa Miller and Echelle, 1975 -- valid -- White Sands pupfish |
Deropristus deroderus Sharp, 1903 -- invalid -- Haleakala deropristus ground beetle |
Dipodomys californicus eximius Grinnell, 1919 -- valid -- Marysville California Kangaroo Rat |
Dipodomys elator Merriam, 1894 -- valid -- Texas Kangaroo Rat |
Dipodomys elephantinus (Grinnell, 1919) -- invalid -- Big-eared Kangaroo Rat |
Dipodomys heermanni berkleyensis Grinnell, 1919 -- invalid -- Berkeley kangaroo rat |
Dipodomys heermanni dixoni (Grinnell, 1919) -- valid -- Merced Kangaroo Rat |
Dipodomys merriami collinus Lidicker, 1960 -- valid -- Earthquake Merriam's Kangaroo Rat |
Dipodomys merriami frenatus Bole, 1936 -- valid -- Virgin Merriam's kangaroo rat |
Dipodomys microps alfredi Goldman, 1937 -- valid -- Gunnison Island kangaroo rat |
Dipodomys microps leucotis Goldman, 1931 -- valid -- Marble Canyon kangaroo rat |
Dipodomys microps russeolus Goldman, 1939 -- valid -- Dolphin Island chisel-toothed kangaroo rat |
Dipodomys nitratoides brevinasus Grinnell, 1920 -- valid -- Short-nosed kangaroo rat |
Dipodomys ordii cineraceus Goldman, 1939 -- valid -- Dolphin Island Ord's kangaroo rat |
Disenochus micantipennis Sharp, 1903 -- invalid -- Kauai disenochus ground beetle |
Distoleon perjerus (Walker, 1853) -- invalid -- Molokai antlion |
Egretta rufescens (J. F. Gmelin, 1789) -- valid -- Reddish Egret, Garceta rojiza, Aigrette roussâtre, garça-ruiva |
Eremophila alpestris actia (Oberholser, 1902) -- valid -- California horned lark |
Etheostoma aquali Williams and Etnier, 1978 -- invalid -- Coppercheek Darter |
Etheostoma bellator Suttkus and Bailey, 1993 -- valid -- Warrior Darter |
Etheostoma brevirostrum Suttkus and Etnier, 1991 -- valid -- Holiday Darter |
Etheostoma cinereum Storer, 1845 -- invalid -- Ashy Darter |
Etheostoma corona Page and Ceas in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992 -- valid -- Crown Darter |
Etheostoma ditrema Ramsey and Suttkus, 1965 -- valid -- Coldwater Darter |
Etheostoma douglasi Wood and Mayden, 1993 -- invalid -- Tuskalusa Darter, Tuskaloosa Darter |
Etheostoma etowahae Wood and Mayden, 1993 -- invalid -- Etowah Darter |
Etheostoma forbesi Page and Ceas in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992 -- valid -- Barrens Darter |
Etheostoma grahami (Girard, 1859) -- valid -- Rio Grande Darter, perca del Bravo |
Etheostoma osburni (Hubbs and Trautman, 1932) -- valid -- Candy Darter, Finescale Saddled Darter |
Etheostoma pellucidum (Putnam, 1863) -- invalid -- Eastern Sand Darter |
Etheostoma pseudovulatum Page and Ceas in Page, Ceas, Swofford and Buth, 1992 -- valid -- Egg-mimic Darter |
Etheostoma rupestre Gilbert and Swain in Gilbert, 1887 -- valid -- Rock Darter |
Etheostoma striatulum Page and Braasch, 1977 -- valid -- Striated Darter |
Etheostoma trisella Bailey and Richards, 1963 -- valid -- Trispot Darter |
Etheostoma tuscumbia Gilbert and Swain in Gilbert, 1887 -- valid -- Tuscumbia Darter |
Euchlaena milnei McDunnough, 1945 -- valid |
Euderma maculatum (J. A. Allen, 1891) -- valid -- Murciélago pinto, Spotted Bat, Pinto Bat |
Eumops perotis californicus (Merriam, 1890) -- valid -- Greater Western Mastiff Bat, Greater Western Bonneted Bat |
Eumops underwoodi Goodwin, 1940 -- valid -- Murciélago-con bonete de Underwood, Underwood's Mastiff-bat, Underwood's Bonneted Bat |
Eutamias palmeri Merriam, 1897 -- invalid -- Palmer's chipmunk |
Eutamias quadrivittatus australis Patterson, 1980 -- invalid -- Organ Mountains Colorado chipmunk |
Eutamias umbrinus nevadensis (Burt, 1931) -- invalid -- Hidden Forest Uinta chipmunk |
Fundulus julisia Williams and Etnier, 1982 -- valid -- Barrens topminnow |
Fundulus sciadicus Cope, 1865 -- valid -- plains topminnow |
Fundulus waccamensis Hubbs and Raney, 1946 -- valid -- Waccamaw killifish |
Gambusia senilis Girard, 1859 -- valid -- blotched gambusia, guayacón del Bravo |
Gammarus bousfieldi Cole and Minckley, 1961 -- valid -- Bousfield amphipod, Bousfield's amphipod |
Gammarus pecos Cole and Bousfield, 1970 -- valid -- Pecos amphipod |
Gasterosteus aculeatus santaannae Regan, 1909 -- invalid -- Santa Ana threespine stickleback |
Geomys bursarius arenarius Merriam, 1895 -- invalid -- desert pocket gopher |
Geomys bursarius breviceps Baird, 1855 -- invalid -- Mer Rouge pocket gopher |
Geomys cumberlandius Bangs, 1898 -- invalid -- Cumberland pocket gopher |
Geomys personatus maritimus Davis, 1940 -- valid -- Maritime Texas pocket gopher |
Geomys personatus streckeri Davis, 1943 -- valid -- Carrizo Springs Texas pocket gopher, Strecker's Pocket Gopher |
Geomys texensis bakeri Smolen, Pitts and Bickham, 1993 -- valid -- Baker's Llano pocket gopher |
Gila alvordensis Hubbs and Miller, 1972 -- invalid -- Alvord chub |
Gila bicolor euchila Hubbs and Miller, 1972 -- invalid -- Fish Creek Spings tui chub |
Gila bicolor eurysoma Williams and Bond, 1981 -- invalid -- Sheldon Tui Chub |
Gila bicolor isolata Hubbs and Miller, 1972 -- invalid -- Independence Valley Tui Chub |
Gila bicolor newarkensis Hubbs and Miller, 1972 -- invalid -- Newark Valley Tui Chub |
Gila bicolor obesa (Girard, 1856) -- invalid -- Lahontan Creek Tui Chub |
Gila bicolor oregonensis (Snyder, 1908) -- invalid -- Oregon Lakes Tui Chub |
Gila orcutti (Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890) -- invalid -- arroyo chub |
Glaresis arenata Gordon, 1974 -- valid -- Kelso Dune glaresis scarab |
Gronocarus multispinosus Howden, 1961 -- invalid -- Spiny Florida sandhill scarab |
Heloderma suspectum cinctum Bogert and Martín del Campo, 1956 -- valid -- Banded Gila Monster |
Hemipachnobia subporphyrea (Walker, 1858) -- valid -- Venus flytrap noctuid |
Hemitremia flammea (Jordan and Gilbert in Jordan, 1878) -- valid -- Flame Chub |
Horologion speokoites Valentine, 1932 -- valid -- Arbuckle Cave ground beetle |
Hybognathus argyritis Girard, 1856 -- valid -- méné d'argent de l'ouest, Western Silvery Minnow |
Hybognathus placitus Girard, 1856 -- valid -- méné des plaines, Plains Minnow |
Hybopsis lineapunctata Clemmer and Suttkus, 1971 -- valid -- Lined Chub |
Hysterocarpus traski pomo Hopkirk, 1974 -- invalid -- Russian River tule perch |
Idionycteris phyllotis (G. M. Allen, 1916) -- valid -- Murciélago-mula de Allen, Allen's Big-eared Bat, Lappet-browed Bat, Mexican Big-eared Bat |
Kauaiina ioxantha (Meyrick, 1899) -- valid -- Ioxanthan looper |
Lambdina canitiaria Rupert, 1944 -- valid |
Lanius ludovicianus migrans W. Palmer, 1898 -- valid -- Migrant loggerhead shrike |
Lavinia symmetricus mitrulus (Snyder, 1913) -- invalid -- pit roach |
Lavinia symmetricus parvipinnis (Snyder, 1913) -- invalid -- Gualala Roach |
Lepus americanus tahoensis Orr, 1933 -- valid -- Sierra Nevada snowshoe hare |
Lepus californicus bennettii Gray, 1843 -- valid -- San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit |
Lepus callotis Wagler, 1830 -- valid -- White-sided Jack Rabbit, Liebre torda, White-sided Jackrabbit, Beautiful-eared jack rabbit, Gaillard jack rabbit, snow sides, Antelope Rabbit, Gaillard's Jackrabbit, Snowsides, Liebra pinta |
Lichnanthe albopilosa Carlson, 1980 -- invalid -- White sand bear scarab |
Lichnanthe ursina (LeConte, 1861) -- valid -- Bumblebee scarab |
Lirceus culveri Estes and Holsinger, 1976 -- valid -- Rye Cove cave isopod |
Lithophane lemmeri (Barnes and Benjamin, 1929) -- valid -- Lemmer's Pinion Moth |
Lutra canadensis sonora Rhoads, 1898 -- invalid -- Southwestern Otter |
Lythrurus snelsoni (Robison, 1985) -- valid -- Ouachita Shiner, Ouachita Mountain shiner |
Lytrosis permagnaria (Packard, 1876) -- valid |
Macrhybopsis aestivalis tetranemus (Gilbert, 1886) -- invalid -- Canadian Speckled Chub, Arkansas River speckled chub |
Macrotus californicus Baird, 1858 -- valid -- California Leaf-nosed Bat, Murciélago-orejón californiano, Californian Leaf-nosed Bat |
Metromenus bardus (Blackburn, 1877) -- invalid -- heavy metromenus ground |
Metromenus cuneipennis (Blackburn, 1877) -- invalid -- Wedge-winged metromenus ground beetle |
Metromenus oceanicus (Blackburn, 1877) -- invalid -- oceanic metromenus ground beetle |
Microdipodops megacephalus albiventer Hall and Durrant, 1937 -- valid -- Desert Valley kangaroo mouse |
Microdipodops megacephalus nasutus Hall, 1941 -- valid -- Fletcher dark kangaroo mouse |
Micromus cookeorum (Zimmerman, 1946) -- valid -- Cookes' brown lacewing |
Micromus haleakalae (Perkins in Sharp, 1899) -- valid -- Haleakala micromus brown lacewing |
Micromus lobipennis (Perkins in Sharp, 1899) -- valid -- lobe-wing brown lacewing |
Micromus swezeyi (Zimmerman, 1940) -- valid -- Swezey's brown lacewing |
Micropterus treculi (Vaillant and Bocourt, 1874) -- invalid -- Guadalupe bass |
Moxostoma robustum (Cope, 1870) -- valid -- smallfin redhorse, Robust Redhorse |
Moxostoma valenciennesi Jordan, 1885 -- valid -- Greater Redhorse, chevalier jaune |
Mycotrupes pedester Howden, 1954 -- valid -- Scrub Island burrowing scarab |
Myotis austroriparius (Rhoads, 1897) -- valid -- Southeastern Myotis |
Myotis ciliolabrum (Merriam, 1886) -- valid -- western small-footed bat, Miotis cara negra, Western Small-footed Myotis, Small-footed Myotis |
Myotis evotis (H. Allen, 1864) -- valid -- Miotis oreja larga, Long-eared Myotis, Western Long-eared Bat |
Myotis lucifugus occultus Hollister, 1909 -- invalid -- occult little brown bat |
Myotis thysanodes Miller, 1897 -- valid -- Miotis bordado, Fringed Myotis |
Myotis velifer (J. A. Allen, 1890) -- valid -- Miotis mexicano, Cave Myotis |
Myotis volans (H. Allen, 1866) -- valid -- Miotis pata larga, Long-legged Myotis |
Myotis yumanensis (H. Allen, 1864) -- valid -- Miotis de Yuma, Yuma Myotis |
Nebria darlingtoni Kavanaugh, 1979 -- valid -- South Forks ground beetle |
Nebria gebleri siskiyouensis Kavanaugh, 1979 -- valid -- Siskiyou ground beetle |
Nebria sahlbergii triad Kavanaugh, 1979 -- valid -- Trinity Alps gound beetle |
Nerodia clarkii (Baird and Girard, 1853) -- valid -- Salt Marsh Water Snake, Saltmarsh Snake, Gulf salt marsh snake, Salt Marsh Snake |
Nerodia harteri harteri (Trapido, 1941) -- invalid -- Brazos River Watersnake, Brazos water snake |
Nesorestias filicicola Kirkaldy, 1908 -- valid -- Mount Tantalus short-wing fern planthopper |
Nesosydne acuta (Muir, 1919) -- valid -- Iao Valley nesosydne planthopper |
Nesosydne bridwelli (Muir, 1919) -- valid -- Bridewell's nesosydne planthopper |
Nesosydne cyrtandrae Muir, 1916 -- valid -- Nahiku nesosydne planthopper |
Nesosydne cyrtandricola Muir, 1918 -- valid -- Glenwood nesosydne planthopper |
Nesosydne kuschei (Muir, 1922) -- valid -- Kusche's nesosydne planthopper |
Nesosydne leahi (Kirkaldy, 1904) -- valid -- Diamond Head nesosydne planthopper |
Nesosydne longipes (Muir, 1919) -- valid -- long-footed nesosydne planthopper |
Nesosydne sulcata (Muir, 1921) -- valid -- Keanae nesosydne planthopper |
Nothochrysa californica Banks, 1892 -- valid -- San Francisco lacewing |
Notropis asperifrons Suttkus and Raney, 1955 -- valid -- Burrhead Shiner |
Notropis chihuahua Woolman, 1892 -- valid -- Chihuahua Shiner, carpita chihuahuense |
Notropis hypsilepis Suttkus and Raney, 1955 -- valid -- Highscale Shiner |
Notropis jemezanus (Cope in Cope and Yarrow, 1875) -- valid -- Rio Grande Shiner, carpita del Bravo |
Notropis melanostomus Bortone, 1989 -- valid -- Blackmouth Shiner |
Notropis ozarcanus Meek, 1891 -- valid -- Ozark Shiner |
Notropis semperasper Gilbert, 1961 -- valid -- Roughhead Shiner |
Notropis xaenurus (Jordan, 1877) -- invalid -- Altamaha shiner |
Nyctinomops macrotis (Gray, 1840) -- valid -- Murciélago-cola suelta mayor, Big Free-tailed Bat |
Odocoileus virginianus hiltonensis Goldman and Kellog, 1940 -- valid -- Hilton Head white-tailed deer |
Odocoileus virginianus nigribarbis Goldman and Kellogg, 1940 -- valid -- Blackbeard Island white-tailed deer |
Odocoileus virginianus taurinsulae Goldman and Kellogg, 1940 -- valid -- Bulls Island white-tailed deer |
Odocoileus virginianus venatoria Goldman and Kellogg, 1940 -- invalid -- Hunting Island white-tailed deer |
Oliarces clara Banks, 1908 -- valid -- Cheese-weed moth lacewing |
Oncorhynchus clarkii behnkei Montgomery, 1995 -- valid -- Snake River finespotted cutthroat trout |
Oncorhynchus mykiss gibbsi (Suckley, 1859) -- invalid -- interior redband trout |
Oncorhynchus mykiss gilberti (Jordan, 1894) -- valid -- Kern golden trout, Kern River rainbow trout |
Onthophagus polyphemi Hubbard, 1894 -- valid -- Onthophagus tortoise commensal scarab |
Oregonichthys kalawatseti Markle, Pearsons and Bills, 1991 -- valid -- Umpqua Chub, Umpqua Oregon chub |
Papaipema aerata (Lyman, 1901) -- valid |
Papaipema aweme (Lyman, 1908) -- valid -- Aweme Borer Moth |
Papaipema eryngii Bird, 1917 -- valid -- Rattlesnake Master Borer |
Papaipema sulphurata Bird, 1926 -- valid -- Water-willow Stem Borer |
Peltotrupes youngi Howden, 1955 -- valid -- Ocala burrowing scarab |
Percina cymatotaenia (Gilbert and Meek in Gilbert, 1887) -- valid -- bluestripe darter |
Percina lenticula Richards and Knapp, 1964 -- valid -- freckled darter |
Percina macrocephala (Cope, 1867) -- valid -- longhead darter |
Percina nasuta (Bailey, 1941) -- valid -- longnose darter |
Percina palmaris (Bailey, 1940) -- valid -- bronze darter |
Percina squamata (Gilbert and Swain in Gilbert, 1887) -- valid -- olive darter |
Percina uranidea (Jordan and Gilbert in Gilbert, 1887) -- valid -- stargazing darter |
Perognathus alticola alticola Rhoads, 1894 -- invalid -- White-eared pocket mouse |
Perognathus alticola inexpectatus Huey, 1926 -- invalid -- Tehachapi white-eared pocket mouse |
Perognathus amplus ammodytes Benson, 1933 -- invalid -- Coconino Arizona pocket mouse |
Perognathus amplus amplus Osgood, 1900 -- valid -- Yavapai Arizona pocket mouse |
Perognathus amplus cineris Benson, 1933 -- valid -- Wupatki Arizona pocket mouse |
Perognathus californicus femoralis J. A. Allen, 1891 -- invalid -- Dulzura California pocket mouse |
Perognathus fallax fallax Merriam, 1889 -- invalid -- Northwestern San Diego pocket mouse |
Perognathus fallax pallidus Mearns, 1901 -- invalid -- Pallid San Diego pocket mouse, pallid pocketmouse |
Perognathus flavus goodpasteri Hoffmeister, 1956 -- valid -- Springerville Pocket Mouse, Silky pocket mouse |
Perognathus inornatus Merriam, 1889 -- valid -- San Joaquin Pocket Mouse |
Perognathus intermedius nigrimontis Blossom, 1933 -- invalid -- Black Mountain pocket mouse |
Perognathus longimembris bangsi Mearns, 1898 -- valid -- Palm Springs Pocket Mouse, Bangs's Pocket-mouse |
Perognathus longimembris brevinasus Osgood, 1900 -- valid -- Los Angeles Pocket Mouse, Los Angeles little pocket mouse |
Perognathus longimembris internationalis Huey, 1939 -- valid -- Jacumba Pocket Mouse, Jacumba little pocket mouse |
Phenacobius teretulus Cope, 1867 -- valid -- Kanawha Minnow |
Photedes carterae (Schweitzer, 1984) -- valid -- Carter's noctuid moth |
Platygobio gracilis (Richardson, 1836) -- valid -- méné à tête plate, Flathead Chub |
Plecotus rafinesquii Lesson, 1827 -- invalid -- Rafinesque's big-eared bat |
Plecotus townsendii pallescens (Miller, 1897) -- invalid -- pale Townsend's big-eared bat |
Plecotus townsendii townsendii Cooper, 1837 -- invalid -- Townsend's big-eared bat, Pacific Townsend's big-eared bat |
Polylamina pubescens (Cartwright, 1939) -- invalid -- Wooly Gulf dune scarab |
Polyphylla anteronivea Hardy, 1978 -- valid -- Saline Valley snow-front June beetle |
Polyphylla avittata Hardy, 1978 -- valid -- Spotted Warner Valley Dunes June beetle |
Polyphylla erratica Hardy, 1978 -- valid -- Death Valley June beetle |
Polyphylla nubila Van Dyke, 1947 -- valid -- Atascodero June beetle |
Polyphylla stellata Young, 1986 -- valid -- Delta June beetle |
Psectrotarsia hebardi Skinner, 1917 -- valid -- Hebard's noctuid moth |
Pseudanophthalmus acherontis Barr, 1959 -- valid -- snail shell cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus assimilis Barr, 1981 -- valid -- West Wills Valley cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus audax (G. Horn, 1883) -- valid |
Pseudanophthalmus avernus Valentine, 1945 -- valid -- Avernus cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus bendermani Barr, 1959 -- valid -- Benderman's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus calcareus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Limestone Cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus catherinae Barr, 1959 -- valid -- Catherine's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus conditus Krekeler, 1973 -- valid |
Pseudanophthalmus cordicollis Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Little Kennedy Cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus deceptivus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- deceptive cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus egberti Barr, 1965 -- valid -- Narrows Cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus engelhardti (Barber, 1928) -- valid -- Engelhardt's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus exoticus Krekeler, 1973 -- valid |
Pseudanophthalmus fastigatus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- tapered cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus fuscus fuscus Valentine, 1931 -- valid -- Greenbrier Valley cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus georgiae Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Georgian cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus globiceps Barr, 1985 -- valid |
Pseudanophthalmus hadenoecus Barr, 1965 -- valid -- Timber Ridge Cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus hirsutus Valentine, 1931 -- valid -- Cudjo's Cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus horni (Garman, 1892) -- valid |
Pseudanophthalmus hortulanus Barr, 1965 -- valid -- garden cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus hubbardi (Barber, 1928) -- valid -- Hubbard's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus hubrichti Valentine, 1948 -- valid -- Hubricht's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus hypolithos Barr, 1981 -- valid -- stone-dwelling cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus illinoisensis Barr and Peck, 1966 -- valid -- Illinois cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus intersectus Barr, 1965 -- valid -- crossroads cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus jonesi Valentine, 1945 -- valid -- Grassy Cove cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus krameri Krekeler, 1973 -- valid -- Kramer's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus krekeleri Barr, 1965 -- valid -- Rich Mountain cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus lallemanti Jeannel, 1949 -- valid -- Lallemant's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus limicola Jeannel, 1931 -- valid -- Shenandoah cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus longiceps Barr, 1981 -- valid -- long-headed cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus montanus Barr, 1965 -- valid -- Dry Fork Valley cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus nelsoni Barr, 1965 -- valid -- Nelson's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus nortoni Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Norton's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus occidentalis Barr, 1959 -- valid -- Cane Creek cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus ohioensis Krekeler, 1973 -- valid -- Ohio cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus pallidus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- pale cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus paradoxus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- sensabush cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus parvicollis Jeannel, 1931 -- valid -- thin-neck cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus paynei Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Payne's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus petrunkevitchi Valentine, 1945 -- valid -- Petrunkevitch's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus pontis Barr, 1965 -- valid -- Natural Bridge cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus potomaca potomaca Valentine, 1932 -- invalid -- South Branch Valley cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus potomaca senecae Valentine, 1932 -- invalid -- Seneca cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus praetermissus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- overlooked cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus punctatus Valentine, 1931 -- valid -- spotted cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus pusillus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Martin cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus puteanus Krekeler, 1973 -- valid |
Pseudanophthalmus quadratus Barr, 1965 -- valid -- Straley's Cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus rogersae Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Roger's cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus sanctipauli Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Saint Paul cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus scholasticus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Sawmill Hollow cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus scutilus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- New Mammoth Cave cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus sequoyah Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Sequoyah Caverns cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus sericus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- silken cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus sidus Barr, 1965 -- valid -- Meridith Cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus simplex Barr, 1980 -- valid -- Flyn's hick cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus simulans Barr, 1985 -- valid |
Pseudanophthalmus tenebrosus Krekeler, 1973 -- valid |
Pseudanophthalmus thomasi Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Thomas' cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus unionis Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Union County cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus ventus Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Pseudanophthalmus ventus |
Pseudanophthalmus virginicus (Barr, 1960) -- valid -- Maiden Spring cave beetle |
Pseudanophthalmus wallacei Barr, 1981 -- valid -- Wallace's cave beetle |
Pseudanopthalmus gracilis Valentine, 1931 -- invalid |
Pseudanopthalmus sylvaticus Barr, 1967 -- invalid |
Pseudanopthalmus vicarius Barr, 1965 -- invalid |
Pseudobroscus lentus Sharp, 1903 -- invalid -- Haleakala pseudobroscus ground beetle |
Pseudopsectra usingeri Zimmerman, 1940 -- invalid -- Usinger's brown lacewing |
Pterodroma hasitata (Kuhl, 1820) -- valid -- Black-capped Petrel, Pétrel diablotin |
Pteronotropis euryzonus (Suttkus, 1955) -- valid -- Broadstripe Shiner |
Pteropus mariannus paganensis Yamashima, 1932 -- valid -- Pagan Mariana Flying Fox |
Pteropus samoensis samoensis Peale, 1848 -- valid -- Samoan Flying Fox |
Pterostichus rothi (Hatch, 1951) -- valid -- Roth's blind ground beetle |
Pyreferra ceromatica (Grote, 1874) -- valid -- Annointed Sallow Moth |
Relictus solitarius Hubbs and Miller, 1972 -- valid -- Relict Dace |
Resapamea trigona (Smith, 1902) -- valid |
Rhadine ozarkensis Sanderson and Miller, 1941 -- valid |
Rhinichthys bowersi Goldsborough and Clark, 1908 -- invalid -- cheat dace, Cheat minnow |
Rhinichthys osculus moapae Williams, 1978 -- valid -- Moapa Speckled Dace |
Rhinichthys osculus velifer Gilbert, 1893 -- valid -- Pahranagat Speckled Dace |
Scalopus aquaticus bassi Howell, 1939 -- valid -- Englewood mole |
Scalopus aquaticus texanus J. A. Allen, 1891 -- valid -- Presidio mole |
Scapanus latimanus parvus F. G. Palmer, 1937 -- valid -- Alameda Island mole |
Scaphinotus behrensi (Roeschke, 1907) -- valid |
Scaphinotus inflectus Allen and Carlton, 1988 -- invalid |
Scaphinotus longiceps Van Dyke, 1924 -- valid -- Humboldt ground beetle |
Scaphinotus parisiana Allen and Carlton, 1988 -- valid |
Schinia indiana (Smith, 1908) -- valid |
Schinia rufipenna Hardwick, 1983 -- valid -- scrub golden aster noctuid moth |
Sciurus arizonensis catalinae Doutt, 1931 -- invalid -- Santa Catalina Mountains squirrel |
Sciurus nayaritensis chiricahuae Goldman, 1933 -- valid -- Chiricahua Nayarit squirrel |
Sciurus niger shermani Moore, 1956 -- valid -- Sherman's fox squirrel |
Semiothisa fraserata Ferguson, 1974 -- invalid -- Fraser fir geometrid |
Serica frosti Dawson, 1967 -- valid -- Frost's spring serican scarab |
Serica tantula Dawson, 1922 -- valid -- Tantula serican scarab |
Sorex alaskanus Merriam, 1900 -- valid -- Glacier Bay Water Shrew |
Sorex arizonae Diersing and Hoffmeister, 1977 -- valid -- Musaraña de Arizona, Arizona Shrew |
Sorex cinereus nigriculus Green, 1932 -- valid -- Tuckahoe masked shrew |
Sorex hydrodromus Dobson, 1889 -- invalid -- Pribilof Islands shrew |
Sorex lyelli Merriam, 1902 -- valid -- Lyell shrew, Mount Lyell shrew, Mt. Lyell Shrew |
Sorex ornatus salarius von Bloeker, 1939 -- valid -- Monterey ornate shrew |
Sorex ornatus salicornicus von Bloeker, 1932 -- valid -- salt marsh ornate shrew |
Sorex ornatus sinuosus Grinnell, 1913 -- valid -- Suisun ornate shrew |
Sorex ornatus willetti von Bloeker, 1942 -- valid -- Santa Catalina ornate shrew |
Sorex palustris punctulatus Hooper, 1942 -- invalid -- southern water shrew |
Sorex preblei Jackson, 1922 -- valid -- malheur shrew, Preble's Shrew |
Sorex trowbridgii destructioni Scheffer and Dalquest, 1942 -- valid -- Destruction Island shrew |
Sorex vagrans halicoetes Grinnell, 1913 -- valid -- salt marsh vagrant shrew |
Spermophilus tridecemlineatus alleni Merriam, 1898 -- invalid -- Allen's 13-lined ground squirrel |
Stenoderma rufum Desmarest, 1820 -- valid -- Red Fig-eating Bat, Red Fruit Bat, Desmarest's Fig-eating Bat |
Storeria occipitomaculata pahasapae H. M. Smith, 1963 -- valid -- Black Hills Redbelly Snake |
Stygobromus araeus (Holsinger, 1969) -- valid -- Tidewater interstitial amphipod, Tidewater stygobromid |
Stygobromus arizonensis Holsinger, 1974 -- valid -- Arizona cave amphipod, Arizona cave stygobromid |
Stygobromus balconis (Hubricht, 1943) -- valid -- Balcones cave amphipod, Balcones cave stygobromid |
Stygobromus barri (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Barr's cave amphipod, Barr stygobromid |
Stygobromus bifurcatus (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- bifurcated cave amphipod, bifurcated stygobromid |
Stygobromus biggersi Holsinger, 1978 -- valid -- Biggers' cave amphipod, Biggers cave stygobromid |
Stygobromus bowmani (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Bowman's cave amphipod, Bowman stygobromid |
Stygobromus carolinensis Holsinger, 1978 -- valid -- Carolina groundwater amphipod, Carolina stygobromid, Yancey sideswimmer |
Stygobromus clantoni (Creaser, 1934) -- valid -- Clanton's cave amphipod, Clanton stygobromid |
Stygobromus conradi (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Burnsville Cove cave amphipod, Burnsville Cove stygobromid |
Stygobromus cooperi (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Cooper's cave amphipod, Cooper stygobromid |
Stygobromus culveri Holsinger, 1978 -- valid -- Culver's cave amphipod, Culver cave stygobromid |
Stygobromus dejectus (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Cascade cave amphipod, Cascade Cave stygobromid |
Stygobromus elatus (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Elevated spring amphipod, proud stygobromid |
Stygobromus flagellatus (J. E. Benedict, 1896) -- valid -- Ezell's cave amphipod, Ezells Cave stygobromid |
Stygobromus gradyi Holsinger, 1974 -- valid -- Grady's cave amphipod, Grady stygobromid |
Stygobromus hadenoecus (Holsinger, 1966) -- valid -- Devil's Sinkhole amphipod, Devils Sinkhole stygobromid |
Stygobromus harai Holsinger, 1974 -- valid -- Hara's cave amphipod, Hara stygobromid |
Stygobromus hoffmani Holsinger, 1978 -- valid -- Alleghany County cave amphipod, Allegheny stygobromid |
Stygobromus hubbsi Shoemaker, 1942 -- valid -- Malheur Cave amphipod, Malheur Cave stygobromid |
Stygobromus indentatus (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Tidewater stygonectid amphipod, Tidewater stygobromid, Tidewater amphipod |
Stygobromus longipes (Holsinger, 1966) -- valid -- long-legged cave amphipod, long-legged cave stygobromid |
Stygobromus mackenziei Holsinger, 1974 -- valid -- MacKenzie's cave amphipod, McKenzie stygobromid |
Stygobromus montanus (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Mountain cave amphipod, Rich Mountain stygobromid |
Stygobromus morrisoni (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Morrison's cave amphipod, Morrison stygobromid |
Stygobromus mundus (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Bath County cave amphipod, Bath stygobromid |
Stygobromus nanus Holsinger, 1978 -- valid -- Piddling Pit Cave amphipod, Piddling Pit stygobromid, Pocahontas cave amphipod |
Stygobromus nortoni (Holsinger, 1969) -- valid -- Norton's cave amphipod, Norton stygobromid |
Stygobromus parvus (Holsinger, 1969) -- valid -- minute cave amphipod, minute stygobromid |
Stygobromus pizzinii (Shoemaker, 1938) -- valid -- Pizzini's amphipod, Pizzini stygobromid |
Stygobromus putealis (Holmes, 1909) -- valid -- Wisconsin well amphipod, Wisconsin well stygobromid |
Stygobromus redactus Holsinger, 1978 -- valid -- Patton Cave amphipod, Patton Cave stygobromid, Redacted cave amphipod |
Stygobromus reddelli (Holsinger, 1966) -- valid -- Reddell's cave amphipod, Reddell stygobromid |
Stygobromus smithi Hubricht, 1943 -- valid -- Alabama well amphipod, Alabama well stygobromid |
Stygobromus spinatus (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Southern West Virginia cave amphipod, spring cave amphipod, spiny cave stygobromid |
Stygobromus stellmacki (Holsinger, 1967) -- valid -- Stellmack's cave amphipod, Stellmack cave stygobromid |
Stygobromus subtilis (Hubricht, 1943) -- valid -- subtle cave amphipod, subtle stygobromid |
Stygobromus wengerorum Holsinger, 1974 -- valid -- Wenger's cave amphipod, Wenger cave stygobromid |
Tamias canipes (V. Bailey, 1902) -- valid -- Gray-footed Chipmunk |
Tamias speciosus speciosus Merriam, 1890 -- valid -- lodgepole chipmunk |
Tamias umbrinus sedulus (White, 1953) -- valid -- Mount Ellen Uinta chipmunk |
Thamnophis brachystoma (Cope, 1892) -- valid -- Short-headed Garter Snake, Shorthead Garter Snake, Short-headed Gartersnake |
Thamnophis eques (Reuss, 1834) -- valid -- Mexican Garter Snake, Culebra-listonada del sur-mexicano, Mexican Gartersnake |
Thamnophis hammondii (Kennicott, 1860) -- valid -- Two-striped Garter Snake, Two-striped Gartersnake |
Thamnophis sirtalis annectens Brown, 1950 -- valid -- Texas Garter Snake, Texas Gartersnake |
Thomomys mazama helleri Elliot, 1903 -- valid -- Goldbeach western pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus abstrusus Hall and Davis, 1935 -- invalid -- Fish Spring pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus amargosae Grinnell, 1921 -- invalid -- Amargosa southern pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus bonnevillei Durrant, 1946 -- invalid -- Bonneville southern pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus convexus Durrant, 1939 -- invalid -- Clear Lake pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus curtatus Hall, 1932 -- invalid -- San Antonio pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus detumidus Grinnell, 1935 -- invalid -- Pistol River pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus dissimilis Goldman, 1931 -- invalid -- Mount Ellen pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus guadalupensis Goldman, 1936 -- invalid -- Guadalupe southern pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus hualpaiensis Grinnell and Hill, 1936 -- invalid -- Hualapai southern pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus limpiae Blair, 1939 -- invalid -- Limpia southern pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus mearnsi Bailey, 1914 -- invalid -- Mearns' southern pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus minimus Durrant, 1939 -- invalid -- Stansbury Island pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus muralis Goldman, 1936 -- invalid -- Prospect Valley pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus nesophilus Durrant, 1936 -- invalid -- Antelope Island pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus paguatae Hooper, 1940 -- invalid -- Cebolleta southern pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus powelli Durrant, 1955 -- invalid -- Salt Gulch pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus quercinus Burt and Campbell, 1934 -- invalid -- Pajarito southern pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus robustus Durrant, 1946 -- invalid -- Skull Valley pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus sevieri Durrant, 1946 -- invalid -- Swasey Spring pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus suboles Goldman, 1928 -- invalid -- Searchlight southern pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus subsimilis Goldman, 1933 -- invalid -- Harquahala southern pocket gopher |
Thomomys umbrinus texensis Bailey, 1902 -- invalid -- Limpia Creek pocket gopher |
Thryomanes bewickii altus Aldrich, 1944 -- valid -- Appalachian Bewick's wren |
Toxostoma lecontei macmillanorum A. R. Phillips, 1966 -- valid -- San Joaquin LeConte's thrasher |
Trigonopeltastes floridana (Casey, 1909) -- invalid -- Scrub palmetto flower scarab |
Trox howelli Howden and Vaurie, 1957 -- invalid -- Caracara commensal scarab |
Zale perculta Franclemont, 1964 -- valid -- Okefenokee zale moth |