Integrated Taxonomic Information System - Search Results

Results of: Search in every Kingdom for Scientific Name containing 'Bothriechis'
 Kingdom Animalia
  Bothriechis Peters, 1859 – valid
  Bothriechis aurifer (Salvin, 1860) – valid – Nauyaca-de árbol manchas amarillas, Yellow-blotched Palm Pit Viper
  Bothriechis bicolor (Bocourt, 1868) – valid – Nauyaca-de árbol bicolor, Guatemala Palm Pit Viper
  Bothriechis godmanni Günther, 1863 – invalid
  Bothriechis guifarroi Townsend, Medina-Flores, Wilson, Jadin and Austin, 2013 – valid
  Bothriechis lateralis Peters, 1862 – valid – Coffee Palm Viper
  Bothriechis marchi (Barbour and Loveridge, 1929) – valid – March's Palm Pit Viper
  Bothriechis nigroviridis Peters, 1859 – valid – Black-speckled Palm Pit Viper
  Bothriechis nubestris Doan, Mason, Castoe, Sasa and Parkinson, 2016 – valid – Talamancan Palm-Pitviper
  Bothriechis rowleyi (Bogert, 1968) – valid – Nauyaca-de árbol de Rowley, Rowley's Palm Pit Viper
  Bothriechis schlegelii (Berthold, 1846) – valid – Eyelash Viper
  Bothriechis supraciliaris (Taylor, 1954) – valid – Blotched Palm-pitviper
  Bothriechis thalassinus Campbell and H. M. Smith, 2000 – valid

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