Integrated Taxonomic Information System - Search Results

Results of: Search in every Kingdom for Scientific Name containing 'Bothrops'
 Kingdom Animalia
  Bothrops Wagler, 1824 – valid
  Bothrops acrochordus Garcia, 1896 – invalid
  Bothrops alcatraz Marques, Martins and Sazima, 2002 – valid – Alcatrazes Lancehead
  Bothrops alternatus A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854 – valid – Urutu
  Bothrops ammodytoides Leybold, 1873 – valid – Yararanata
  Bothrops andianus Amaral, 1923 – invalid
  Bothrops asper (Garman, 1883) – valid – Nauyaca-terciopelo real, Terciopelo, Terciopelo
  Bothrops atrox (Linnaeus, 1758) – valid – Fer-de-Lance, Common Lancehead, Barba Amarilla
  Bothrops ayerbei Folleco-Fernandez, 2010 – valid – Ayerbe's Lancehead
  Bothrops barnetti Parker, 1938 – valid – Barnett's Lancehead
  Bothrops bicolor Bocourt, 1868 – invalid
  Bothrops bilineatus (Wied-Neuwied, 1821) – valid – Green Jararaca
  Bothrops bilineatus bilineatus (Wied-Neuwied, 1821) – valid
  Bothrops bilineatus smaragdinus Hoge, 1966 – valid
  Bothrops brazili Hoge, 1954 – valid – Brazil's Lancehead
  Bothrops campbelli Freire-Lascano, 1991 – invalid
  Bothrops caribbaeus (Garman, 1887) – valid – Saint Lucia Viper
  Bothrops chloromelas (Boulenger, 1912) – valid
  Bothrops colombianus Rendahl and Vestergren, 1940 – invalid
  Bothrops cotiara (Gomes, 1913) – valid
  Bothrops diporus Cope, 1862 – valid
  Bothrops erythromelas Amaral, 1923 – valid – Caatinga Lancehead
  Bothrops flavoviridis Hallowell, 1861 – invalid
  Bothrops fonsecai Hoge and Belluomini, 1959 – valid – Fonseca's Lancehead
  Bothrops hageni Van Lidth de Jeude, 1886 – invalid
  Bothrops hesperis Campbell, 1976 – invalid
  Bothrops hyoprorus Amaral, 1935 – invalid
  Bothrops iglesiasi Amaral, 1923 – invalid
  Bothrops insularis (Amaral, 1921) – valid – Golden Lancehead
  Bothrops isabelae Sandner-Montilla, 1979 – invalid
  Bothrops itapetiningae (Boulenger, 1907) – valid – Sao Paulo Lancehead
  Bothrops jararaca (Wied-Neuwied, 1824) – valid
  Bothrops jararacussu Lacerda, 1884 – valid
  Bothrops jonathani Harvey, 1994 – valid – Jonathan's Lancehead
  Bothrops lanceolatus (Bonnaterre, 1790) – valid – Martinique Lancehead
  Bothrops lansbergi hutmanni Sandner-Montilla, 1989 – invalid
  Bothrops lansbergii rozei Peters, 1968 – invalid
  Bothrops leucurus Wagler, 1824 – valid – Whitetail Lancehead
  Bothrops lichenosa Roze, 1958 – invalid
  Bothrops lojanus Parker, 1930 – valid – Lojan Lancehead
  Bothrops lutzi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1915) – valid
  Bothrops marajoensis Hoge, 1966 – valid – Marajó Lancehead
  Bothrops marmoratus da Silva and Rodrigues, 2008 – valid – Marbled lancehead
  Bothrops matogrossensis Amaral, 1925 – valid
  Bothrops medusa (Sternfeld, 1920) – valid – Venezuela Forest Pit Viper
  Bothrops microphthalmus Cope, 1875 – invalid
  Bothrops microphthalmus colombianus Rendahl and Vestergren, 1940 – invalid
  Bothrops moojeni Hoge, 1966 – valid – Brazilian Lancehead
  Bothrops muriciensis Ferrarezzi and Freire, 2001 – valid
  Bothrops nasutus Bocourt, 1868 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi Wagler, 1824 – valid – Jararaca Pintada
  Bothrops neuwiedi bolivianus Amaral, 1927 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi diporus Cope, 1862 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi goyazensis Amaral, 1925 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi lutzi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1915) – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi matogrossensis Amaral, 1925 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi mattogrossensis Amaral, 1925 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi meridionalis Müller, 1885 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi neuwiedi Wagler, 1824 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi paramanensis Amaral, 1925 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi paranaensis Amaral, 1925 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis Amaral, 1925 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi piauhyensis Amaral, 1925 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi pubescens (Cope, 1870) – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi urutu Orejas-Miranda, 1970 – invalid
  Bothrops neuwiedi urutu (Liais, 1872) – invalid
  Bothrops nigroviridis marchi Barbour and Loveridge, 1929 – invalid
  Bothrops nummifer (Rüppell, 1845) – invalid
  Bothrops nummifer occiduus Hoge, 1966 – invalid
  Bothrops oligolepis (Werner, 1901) – valid – Inca Forest Pit Viper
  Bothrops ophryomegas Bocourt, 1868 – invalid
  Bothrops osbornei Freire-Lascano, 1991 – valid
  Bothrops otavioi Barbo, Grazziotin, Sazima, Martins and Sawaya, 2012 – valid
  Bothrops pauloensis Amaral, 1925 – valid
  Bothrops pictus (Tschudi, 1845) – valid – Desert Lancehead
  Bothrops pirajai Amaral, 1923 – valid – Piraja's Lancehead
  Bothrops pradoi (Hoge, 1948) – invalid
  Bothrops pubescens (Cope, 1870) – valid
  Bothrops pulchra (Peters, 1862) – valid
  Bothrops punctatus (Garcia, 1896) – valid – Golden Lancehead, Chocoan Forest Pit Viper
  Bothrops rhombeatus Garcia, 1896 – valid – Cat Lancehead, Cauca Valley Yellow Lancehead
  Bothrops rowleyi Bogert, 1968 – invalid
  Bothrops sanctaecrucis Hoge, 1966 – valid – Bolivian Lancehead
  Bothrops sazimai Barbo, Gasparini, Almeida, Zaher, Grazziotin, Gusmão, Ferrarini and Sawaya, 2016 – valid – Franceses Island-Lancehead
  Bothrops schlegelii (Berthold, 1846) – invalid
  Bothrops schlegelii supraciliaris Taylor, 1954 – invalid
  Bothrops sphenophrys H. M. Smith, 1960 – invalid
  Bothrops taeniatus Wagler, 1824 – valid – Speckled Forest Pit Viper
  Bothrops taeniatus lichenosa Roze, 1958 – valid
  Bothrops taeniatus taeniatus Wagler, 1824 – valid
  Bothrops tzotzilorum Campbell, 1985 – invalid
  Bothrops urutu (Liais, 1872) – invalid
  Bothrops venezuelensis Sandner-Montilla, 1952 – valid
  Erpetogomphus bothrops Garrison, 1994 – valid
  Protobothrops Hoge and Romano-Hoge, 1983 – valid
  Protobothrops cornutus (M. A. Smith, 1930) – valid – Horned Pit Viper
  Protobothrops dabieshanensis Huang, Pan, Han, L. Zhang, Hou, Yu, Zheng and B. Zhang, 2012 – valid – Dabie Mountains Pit Viper
  Protobothrops elegans (Gray, 1849) – valid – Elegant Pitviper
  Protobothrops flavoviridis (Hallowell, 1861) – valid – Habu
  Protobothrops flavoviridis flavoviridis (Hallowell, 1861) – valid
  Protobothrops flavoviridis tinkhami (Gloyd, 1955) – valid
  Protobothrops himalayanus Pan, Chettri, Yang, Jiang, Wang, L. Zhang and Vogel, 2013 – valid
  Protobothrops jerdonii (Günther, 1875) – valid – Jerdon's Pitviper
  Protobothrops jerdonii bourreti (Klemmer, 1963) – valid – Bourret's Pitviper
  Protobothrops jerdonii jerdonii (Günther, 1875) – valid – Jerdon's Pitviper
  Protobothrops jerdonii xanthomelas (Günther, 1889) – valid – Red Spotted Pitviper
  Protobothrops kaulbacki (M. A. Smith, 1940) – valid – Kaulback's Lance-headed Pitviper
  Protobothrops mangshanensis (Zhao, 1990) – valid – Mang Mountain Pitviper, Mt. Mang Pitviper, Mangshan Pitviper
  Protobothrops maolanensis Yang, Orlov and Wang, 2011 – valid – Mao-lan Pitviper
  Protobothrops mucrosquamatus (Cantor, 1839) – valid – Brown Spotted Pitviper
  Protobothrops sieversorum (Ziegler, Herrmann, David, Orlov and Pauwels, 2000) – valid – Three Horned-scaled Pitviper
  Protobothrops tokarensis (Nagai, 1928) – valid – Tokara Habu
  Protobothrops trungkhanhensis Orlov, Ryabov and T. T. Nguyen, 2009 – valid – Trungkhanh Pitviper
  Protobothrops xiangchengensis (Zhao, Jiang and Huang, 1979) – valid – Szechwan Pit Viper, Kham Plateau Pitviper
  Snyderidia bothrops Robins and Nielsen, 1970 – invalid

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