Integrated Taxonomic Information System - Search Results

Results of: Search in every Kingdom for Scientific Name containing 'Uromastyx'
 Kingdom Animalia
  Uromastyx Merrem, 1820 – valid
  Uromastyx acanthinura Bell, 1825 – valid – North-African Mastigure
  Uromastyx aegyptia (Forskal, 1775) – valid – Egyptian Mastigure, Egyptian Spiny-tailed Lizard
  Uromastyx aegyptia aegyptia (Forskal, 1775) – valid
  Uromastyx aegyptia leptieni Wilms and Böhme, 2000 – valid – Leptien's Mastigure
  Uromastyx aegyptia microlepis Arnold, 1980 – valid
  Uromastyx alfredschmidti Wilms and Böhme, 2001 – valid – Schmidt's Mastigure
  Uromastyx benti (J. Anderson, 1894) – valid – Yemeni Spiny-tailed Lizard
  Uromastyx dispar Heyden, 1827 – valid – Sudan Mastigure
  Uromastyx dispar dispar Heyden, 1927 – valid
  Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata Mertens, 1962 – valid
  Uromastyx dispar hodhensis J.-F. Trape, S. Trape and Chirio, 2012 – valid
  Uromastyx dispar maliensis Joger and Lambert, 1996 – valid
  Uromastyx geyri L. Müller, 1922 – valid – Geyr's Spiny-tailed Lizard
  Uromastyx macfadyeni Parker, 1932 – valid – Macfadyen's Mastigure
  Uromastyx nigriventris Rothschild and Hartert, 1912 – valid – Moroccan Spiny-tailed Lizard
  Uromastyx occidentalis Mateo, Geniz, Lopez-Jurado and Bons, 1999 – valid
  Uromastyx ocellata Lichtenstein, 1823 – valid – Ocellated Spinytail
  Uromastyx ornata Heyden, 1827 – valid – Ornate Mastigure
  Uromastyx ornata ornata Heyden, 1827 – valid
  Uromastyx ornata philbyi Parker, 1938 – valid
  Uromastyx princeps O'Shaughnessy, 1880 – valid – Princely Spiny-tailed Lizard
  Uromastyx shobraki Wilms and Schmitz, 2007 – valid
  Uromastyx thomasi Parker, 1930 – valid – Omani Spiny-tailed Lizard
  Uromastyx yemenensis Wilms and Schmitz, 2007 – valid – South Arabian Spiny-tailed Lizard

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