Integrated Taxonomic Information System - Search Results

Results of: Search in every Kingdom for Scientific Name containing 'Ctenogobius'
 Kingdom Animalia
  Ctenogobius Gill, 1858 – valid
  Ctenogobius aestivaregia (Mori, 1934) – valid
  Ctenogobius boleosoma (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882) – valid – darter goby, esmeralda flechera, madrejuile
  Ctenogobius brevirostris (Günther, 1861) – valid
  Ctenogobius cervicosquamus Wu, Lu and Ni, 1986 – valid
  Ctenogobius chengtuensis (Chang, 1944) – valid
  Ctenogobius clarki Evermann and Shaw, 1927 – valid
  Ctenogobius claytonii (Meek, 1902) – valid – gobio mexicano, Mexican goby
  Ctenogobius criniger (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837) – invalid – horny goby, horny goby
  Ctenogobius fasciatus Gill, 1858 – valid – blackbar goby, blotchcheek goby
  Ctenogobius filamentosus Wu, 1939 – valid
  Ctenogobius fukushimai (Mori, 1934) – valid
  Ctenogobius lepturus (Pfaff, 1933) – valid
  Ctenogobius manglicola (Jordan and Starks in Jordan, 1895) – valid – gobio de manglar, mangrove goby
  Ctenogobius munizi (Vergara R., 1978) – invalid
  Ctenogobius notophthalmus Bleeker, 1875 – valid
  Ctenogobius parvus Luo in Zheng et al., 1989 – valid
  Ctenogobius phenacus (Pezold and Lasala in Pezold and Gilbert, 1987) – valid
  Ctenogobius pseudofasciatus (Gilbert and Randall in Gilbert and Kelso, 1971) – valid – slashcheek goby
  Ctenogobius punctatus (Oshima, 1926) – valid
  Ctenogobius puncticeps Deng and Xiong in Xu, Deng, Xiong and Zhan, 1980 – valid
  Ctenogobius saepepallens (Gilbert and Randall, 1968) – valid – dash goby, gobio guión
  Ctenogobius sagittula (Günther, 1861) – valid – gobio aguzado, longtail goby
  Ctenogobius shennongensis Yang and Xie, 1983 – valid
  Ctenogobius shufeldti (Jordan and Eigenmann, 1887) – valid – freshwater goby
  Ctenogobius smaragdus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837) – valid – emerald goby, esmeralda cabezona
  Ctenogobius stigmalophius (Mead and Böhlke, 1958) – invalid – gobio manchado, spotfin goby
  Ctenogobius stigmaticus (Poey, 1860) – valid – esmeralda, marked goby
  Ctenogobius stigmaturus (Goode and Bean, 1882) – valid – spottail goby
  Ctenogobius szechuanensis (Liu, 1940) – valid
  Ctenogobius thoropsis (Pezold and Gilbert, 1987) – valid
  Ctenogobius tongarevae (Fowler, 1927) – invalid
  Ctenogobius yaoshanensis Luo in Zheng et al., 1989 – valid

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