Taxonomic Hierarchy
| Kingdom | Animalia
– Animal, animaux, animals |
| Subkingdom | Bilateria
– triploblasts |
| Infrakingdom | Protostomia
| Superphylum | Spiralia
| Phylum | Mollusca
– mollusques, molusco, molluscs, mollusks |
| Class | Gastropoda Cuvier, 1797
– gastropods, slugs, snails, escargots, gastéropodes, limaces, caracol, caramujo, lesma |
| Subclass | Orthogastropoda
| Infraclass | Heterobranchia
| Superorder | Hygrophila
| Order | Lymnaeida
| Superfamily | Planorboidea Rafinesque, 1815
| Family | Planorbidae Rafinesque, 1815 |
Direct Children: |
| Genus |
Amphigyra Pilsbry, 1906
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| Genus |
Ancylus O. F. Muller, 1774
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| Genus |
Biomphalaria Preston, 1910
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| Genus |
Bulinus Müller, 1781
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| Genus |
Drepanotrema Crosse and P. Fischer, 1880
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| Genus |
Ferrissia Walker, 1903
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| Genus |
Gundlachia Pfeiffer, 1849
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| Genus |
Gyraulus Agassiz, 1837
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| Genus |
Hebetancylus Pilsbry, 1914
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| Genus |
Helisoma Swainson, 1840
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| Genus |
Laevapex Walker, 1903
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| Genus |
Menetus H. Adams and A. Adams, 1855
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| Genus |
Micromenetus F. C. Baker, 1945
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| Genus |
Neoplanorbis Pilsbry, 1906
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| Genus |
Pecosorbis Taylor, 1985
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| Genus |
Planorbella Haldeman, 1842
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| Genus |
Planorbis Müller, 1774
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| Genus |
Planorbula Haldeman, 1842
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| Genus |
Promenetus F. C. Baker, 1935
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| Genus |
Rhodacmea Walker, 1917
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| Genus |
Vorticifex Meek, 1870
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