Integrated Taxonomic Information System - Search Results

Results of: Search in every Kingdom for Taxon Author(s) Name(s) Mill. OR Mill 'Mill.'
 Kingdom Plantae
  Abies Mill. – accepted – fir
  Abies alba Mill. – accepted – silver fir
  Abies mariana Mill. – not accepted
  Abutilon Mill. – accepted – Indian mallow
  Acacia Mill. – accepted
  Acer opalus Mill. – accepted
  Acinos Mill. – not accepted
  Adhatoda Mill. – not accepted
  Ageratum houstonianum Mill. – accepted – bluemink
  Agrimonia odorata Mill. – not accepted
  Alchimilla Mill. – not accepted
  Alnus Mill. – accepted – alder
  Aloe arborescens Mill. – accepted – candelabra aloe, aloé arborescente, aloès arborescent, atzavara, balsemera, pulpos, zabila, candelabra plant, Kidachi aloe, mountain bush aloe, octopus plant, Oldenland's bush aloe, sword aloe, woody aloe, torch plant, krans aloe, krantz aloe
  Aloe arborescens ssp. arborescens Mill. – accepted – Kidachi aloe, krans aloe, mountain bush aloe, octopus plant, krantz aloe, Oldenland's bush aloe, sabila, sword aloe, torch plant, woody aloe, candelabra aloe, candelabra plant
  Aloe barbadensis Mill. – not accepted
  Aloe brevifolia Mill. – accepted
  Aloe brevifolia var. brevifolia Mill. – accepted
  Aloe ferox Mill. – accepted – Cape aloe, bitter aloe, Cape prickly aloe, common aloe, cultivated aloe, acibara, áloe del cabo, aloès du Cap, medicinal aloe, new aloes, red aloe, tap aloe
  Aloe glauca Mill. – accepted
  Aloe glauca var. glauca Mill. – not accepted
  Aloe mitriformis Mill. – not accepted
  Aloe obscura Mill. – not accepted
  Alyssoides Mill. – accepted
  Amygdalus dulcis Mill. – not accepted
  Anagallis foemina Mill. – accepted – poorman's weatherglass
  Ananas Mill. – accepted – pineapple
  Anchusa azurea Mill. – accepted – Italian bugloss
  Annona cheirimola Mill. – not accepted
  Annona cherimola Mill. – accepted – cherimoya
  Apium dulce Mill. – not accepted
  Apium rapaceum Mill. – not accepted
  Arctium tomentosum Mill. – accepted – woolly burdock, woolly burrdock
  Arum italicum Mill. – accepted – Italian lords and ladies
  Arundo versicolor Mill. – not accepted
  Asphodelus albus Mill. – accepted – gamón-blanco
  Aster umbellatus Mill. – not accepted
  Balsamita Mill. – accepted – balsamita
  Berberis canadensis Mill. – accepted – American barberry
  Bernardia Mill. – not accepted – myrtlecroton
  Boerhavia coccinea Mill. – accepted – scarlet spiderling
  Cactus intortus Mill. – not accepted
  Cakile Mill. – accepted – searocket
  Calamintha Mill. – not accepted – calamint
  Canna coccinea Mill. – not accepted
  Canna lutea Mill. – not accepted – yellow canna
  Cassia bahamensis Mill. – not accepted
  Cassia fructicosa Mill. – not accepted
  Cassia uniflora Mill. – not accepted
  Cassytha Mill. – not accepted
  Castanea Mill. – accepted – chestnut
  Castanea sativa Mill. – accepted – European chestnut
  Ceiba Mill. – accepted
  Cereus Mill. – accepted – sweetpotato cactus
  Cereus gracilis Mill. – not accepted
  Chamaemelum Mill. – accepted – dogfennel
  Cirsium Mill. – accepted – thistle
  Clinopodium carolinianum Mill. – accepted – Georgia calamint
  Coix angulata Mill. – not accepted
  Colutea istria Mill. – accepted – bladder-senna
  Conyza pedunculata Mill. – not accepted
  Conyza salicifolia Mill. – not accepted
  Conyza symphytifolia Mill. – not accepted
  Conyza viscosa Mill. – not accepted
  Cornus amomum Mill. – accepted – silky dogwood
  Cornus amomum ssp. amomum Mill. – accepted – silky dogwood
  Cornus foemina Mill. – accepted – stiff dogwood, swamp dogwood
  Cornus foemina Mill. – not accepted
  Coronilla orientalis Mill. – not accepted
  Corylus maxima Mill. – not accepted – giant filbert
  Cotinus Mill. – accepted – smoketree
  Crescentia latifolia Mill. – not accepted
  Crocus vernus Mill. – not accepted – Dutch crocus
  Croton fruticosus Mill. – not accepted
  Croton populifolius Mill. – not accepted
  Croton salvifolius Mill. – not accepted
  Cruciata Mill. – accepted – bedstraw
  Cupressus lusitanica Mill. – not accepted
  Cyclamen persicum Mill. – accepted – florist's cyclamen
  Cyclamen persicum f. persicum Mill. – not accepted
  Cyclamen persicum var. persicum Mill. – accepted
  Cyclamen purpurascens Mill. – accepted – cyclamen
  Cyclamen purpurascens f. purpurascens Mill. – not accepted
  Cyclamen purpurascens ssp. purpurascens Mill. – not accepted
  Cydonia Mill. – accepted
  Cydonia oblonga Mill. – accepted – quince
  Damasonium Mill. – accepted – damasonium
  Damasonium alisma Mill. – accepted
  Datura innoxia Mill. – not accepted – angel's trumpet, desert thornapple, sacred datura
  Datura innoxia var. innoxia Mill. – not accepted
  Datura inoxia Mill. – accepted – pricklyburr, angel's trumpet, desert thornapple, sacred datura, prickly datura
  Datura inoxia ssp. inoxia Mill. – not accepted – pricklyburr
  Diervilla Mill. – accepted – bush honeysuckle
  Diervilla lonicera Mill. – accepted – northern bush-honeysuckle, northern bush honeysuckle
  Digitalis grandiflora Mill. – accepted – yellow foxglove
  Digitalis orientalis Mill. – not accepted
  Dodonaea Mill. – accepted – hopseed bush
  Dorycnium Mill. – accepted
  Dracunculus Mill. – accepted
  Erinus verticillatus Mill. – not accepted
  Eruca Mill. – accepted – rocketsalad
  Eruca sativa Mill. – not accepted
  Erysimum vernum Mill. – not accepted
  Euonymus vulgaris Mill. – not accepted
  Eupatorium betonicifolium Mill. – not accepted – betonyleaf thoroughwort
  Euphorbia cretica Mill. – not accepted
  Euphorbia fructus-pini Mill. – not accepted
  Euphorbia inermis Mill. – accepted
  Euphorbia patula Mill. – accepted
  Euphorbia procumbens Mill. – accepted
  Euphorbia trigona Mill. – accepted
  Euphorbia viminalis Mill. – not accepted
  Fagopyrum Mill. – accepted – buckwheat
  Ficus citrifolia Mill. – accepted – shortleaf fig, wild banyantree
  Ficus nymphaeifolia Mill. – accepted
  Filipendula Mill. – accepted – queen
  Foeniculum Mill. – accepted – fennel
  Foeniculum vulgare Mill. – accepted – sweet fennel
  Frangula Mill. – not accepted – buckthorn
  Frangula alnus Mill. – not accepted – glossy buckthorn, alder buckthorn
  Fraxinus caroliniana Mill. – accepted – Carolina ash
  Galeopsis speciosa Mill. – accepted – Edmonton hempnettle
  Galium album Mill. – accepted – white bedstraw
  Glacium Mill. – not accepted
  Gladiolus byzantinus Mill. – not accepted
  Gladiolus italicus Mill. – accepted – Italian gladiolus
  Glaucium Mill. – accepted – hornpoppy
  Gnaphalium americanum Mill. – not accepted
  Guazuma Mill. – accepted
  Hedypnois Mill. – accepted – hedypnois
  Hedysarum pedunculatum Mill. – not accepted
  Helenium latifolium Mill. – not accepted
  Helianthemum Mill. – accepted – frostweed
  Helianthus tracheliifolius Mill. – not accepted
  Helichrysum Mill. – accepted – strawflower
  Heliotropium procumbens Mill. – not accepted – fourspike heliotrope
  Heliotropium procumbens var. procumbens Mill. – not accepted – fourspike heliotrope
  Hemerocallis minor Mill. – accepted – small daylily
  Hepatica Mill. – not accepted
  Indigofera caroliniana Mill. – accepted – Carolina indigo
  Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. – accepted – anil de pasto, indigobush
  Inga Mill. – accepted
  Iris orientalis Mill. – accepted – yellowband iris
  Jatropha aconitifolia Mill. – not accepted
  Kleinia Mill. – accepted
  Lantana alba Mill. – not accepted
  Lantana urticifolia Mill. – not accepted – nettleleaf shrubverbena
  Lantana urticifolia ssp. urticifolia Mill. – not accepted – nettleleaf shrubverbena
  Larix Mill. – accepted – larch
  Larix decidua Mill. – accepted – European larch
  Lavandula angustifolia Mill. – accepted – English lavender
  Lens Mill. – accepted – lentil
  Leucanthemum Mill. – accepted – daisy, leucanthemum
  Limonium Mill. – accepted – marsh rosemary, statice, sea lavender
  Limonium vulgare Mill. – accepted – Mediterranean sea lavender, Mediterranean sealavender
  Linaria Mill. – accepted – toadflax
  Linaria vulgaris Mill. – accepted – butter and eggs, greater butter-and-eggs, yellow toadflax, flaxweed, Jacob's ladder, ramsted, wild snapdragon
  Linum bienne Mill. – accepted – pale flax
  Linum humile Mill. – not accepted
  Liquidambar orientalis Mill. – accepted – Oriental sweetgum
  Lotus glaber Mill. – not accepted – narrow-leaf bird's-foot trefoil
  Luffa Mill. – accepted – luffa, vegetable sponge, loofah
  Luffa aegyptiaca Mill. – accepted – sponge gourd, dishcloth gourd, smooth luffa
  Lychnis alba Mill. – not accepted – white cockle
  Lycium chinense Mill. – accepted – Chinese desert-thorn
  Lycium chinense var. chinense Mill. – accepted – Chinese desert-thorn
  Lycium halimifolium Mill. – not accepted – matrimony vine
  Lycopersicon Mill. – not accepted – tomato
  Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. – not accepted – garden tomato
  Lycopersicon esculentum var. esculentum Mill. – not accepted – garden tomato
  Malpighia lucida Mill. – not accepted
  Malus Mill. – accepted – apple
  Malus pumila Mill. – not accepted – paradise apple
  Manihot Mill. – accepted – cassava
  Martynia louisiana Mill. – not accepted
  Martynia louisianica Mill. – not accepted
  Mays Mill. – not accepted
  Melilotus Mill. – accepted – sweetclover, sweet clover
  Mespilus cordata Mill. – not accepted
  Milium paniceum Mill. – not accepted
  Moraea Mill. – accepted
  Muscari Mill. – accepted – grape hyacinth
  Myrica caroliniensis Mill. – not accepted
  Myrrhis Mill. – accepted
  Ocimum campechianum Mill. – accepted – least basil
  Olea africana Mill. – not accepted
  Omphalodes Mill. – accepted – navelwort
  Onobrychis Mill. – accepted – sainfoin
  Opuntia Mill. – accepted – figues de Barbarie, pricklypear, cholla
  Opuntia elatior Mill. – accepted
  Opuntia spinosissima Mill. – not accepted – semaphore pricklypear
  Opuntia vulgaris Mill. – not accepted
  Padus caroliniana Mill. – not accepted
  Paliurus Mill. – accepted – Jerusalem thorn
  Paliurus spina-christi Mill. – accepted – Jerusalem thorn
  Pancratium latifolium Mill. – not accepted
  Panicum germanicum Mill. – not accepted
  Paronychia Mill. – accepted – nailwort
  Passiflora bicornis Mill. – accepted – wingleaf passionflower
  Pepo Mill. – not accepted
  Pereskia Mill. – accepted
  Pereskia aculeata Mill. – accepted – Barbados shrub
  Persea Mill. – accepted – bay
  Persea americana Mill. – accepted – avocado
  Persea americana var. americana Mill. – not accepted – avocado
  Persica vulgaris Mill. – not accepted
  Petasites Mill. – accepted – butterbur
  Physalis cordata Mill. – accepted – heartleaf groundcherry
  Physalis patula Mill. – accepted
  Physalis virginiana Mill. – accepted – Virginia groundcherry, Virginia ground-cherry, lanceleaf groundcherry, Virginia ground cherry
  Physalis virginiana var. virginiana Mill. – accepted – Virginia groundcherry, Virginia ground-cherry, field groundcherry
  Pinus echinata Mill. – accepted – shortleaf pine, Arkansas pine, shortleaf yellow pine, shortstraw pine, southern yellow pine, yellow pine
  Pinus halepensis Mill. – accepted – aleppo pine
  Pinus montana Mill. – not accepted
  Pinus palustris Mill. – accepted – longleaf pine
  Pinus rigida Mill. – accepted – pitch pine, pin rigide
  Pinus virginiana Mill. – accepted – scrub pine, Jersey pine, Virginia pine
  Piper humile Mill. – not accepted
  Polygala mariana Mill. – accepted – Maryland milkwort
  Polygonatum Mill. – accepted – Solomon's seal
  Populus tacamahaca Mill. – not accepted
  Prunella caroliniana Mill. – not accepted
  Pulmonaria saccharata Mill. – accepted – Bethlehem lungwort
  Pulsatilla Mill. – not accepted – pasqueflower
  Pulsatilla vulgaris Mill. – not accepted – European pasqueflower
  Quercus virginiana Mill. – accepted – live oak
  Quercus virginiana var. virginiana Mill. – not accepted
  Rhus chinensis Mill. – accepted – Chinese sumac
  Ribes americanum Mill. – accepted – American black currant, blank currant, wild black currant
  Rosa virginiana Mill. – accepted – Virginia rose
  Rosa virginiana var. virginiana Mill. – not accepted – Virginia rose
  Salicornia perennis Mill. – not accepted
  Salvia fruticosa Mill. – accepted – Greek oregano, Greek sage, three-lobe sage, salvia de jardín
  Sambucus laciniata Mill. – not accepted
  Santolina virens Mill. – not accepted
  Sapota Mill. – not accepted – sapota
  Sapota achras Mill. – not accepted
  Saxifraga paniculata Mill. – accepted – White Mountain saxifrage
  Saxifraga paniculata ssp. paniculata Mill. – not accepted
  Senna Mill. – accepted
  Senna alexandrina Mill. – accepted – Alexandrian senna
  Senna italica Mill. – accepted – Port Royal senna
  Serjania Mill. – accepted
  Sida abutifolia Mill. – not accepted – procumbent sida, prostrate sida, spreading fanpetals
  Sida abutilifolia Mill. – accepted – spreading fanpetals, prostrate sida, procumbent sida, creeping sida, hierba del buen día
  Sida angustifolia Mill. – not accepted
  Sida carpinifolia Mill. – not accepted
  Sida glabra Mill. – accepted – smooth fanpetals, sticky sida
  Sida ulmifolia Mill. – accepted – broomweed, broom weed, southern sida, common wire-weed, escobilla
  Sida villosa Mill. – not accepted
  Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill. – accepted – blueeyed grass, common blue-eyed grass, common blue-eyedgrass, blue-eyed grass, narrowleaf blue-eyed grass
  Sisyrinchium bulbosum Mill. – not accepted
  Smilax aristolochiifolia Mill. – accepted – sarsaparilla
  Solanum africanum Mill. – accepted
  Solanum americanum Mill. – accepted – common purple nightshade, smallflower nightshade, American black nightshade
  Solanum angustifolium Mill. – accepted
  Solanum jamaicense Mill. – accepted – Jamaican nightshade, Jamaica nightshade
  Solanum luteum Mill. – not accepted
  Solanum luteum var. luteum Mill. – not accepted
  Solanum scabrum Mill. – accepted
  Solanum umbellatum Mill. – accepted
  Solanum villosum Mill. – accepted – hairy nightshade
  Solidago conferta Mill. – not accepted
  Solidago fistulosa Mill. – accepted – pine barren goldenrod, pinebarren goldenrod
  Solidago hirsutissima Mill. – not accepted
  Solidago latissimifolia Mill. – accepted – Elliott's goldenrod
  Solidago rugosa Mill. – accepted – wrinkleleaf goldenrod
  Solidago rugosa ssp. rugosa Mill. – accepted – wrinkleleaf goldenrod
  Solidago rugosa var. rugosa Mill. – accepted – wrinkleleaf goldenrod
  Stachys italica Mill. – not accepted
  Statice maritima Mill. – not accepted
  Tabernaemontana alba Mill. – accepted – white milkwood
  Tagetes rotundifolia Mill. – not accepted
  Thymelaea Mill. – accepted
  Tilia caroliniana Mill. – not accepted
  Tilia cordata Mill. – accepted – littleleaf linden
  Tithymalus Mill. – not accepted
  Tithymalus laurocerasifolius Mill. – not accepted
  Tournefortia tomentosa Mill. – not accepted
  Toxicodendron Mill. – accepted – poison ivy, poison oak
  Toxicodendron pubescens Mill. – accepted – poison oak, Atlantic poison oak
  Toxicodendron vulgare Mill. – not accepted
  Turnera angustifolia Mill. – not accepted – narrowleaf yellow alder
  Ulmus X hollandica Mill. – accepted – Holland elm, Dutch elm
  Valerianella Mill. – accepted – cornsalad
  Vanilla mexicana Mill. – accepted – Vainilla mexicana, Mexican vanilla
  Watsonia Mill. – accepted – bugle-lily
  Xanthium canadense Mill. – not accepted
  Xanthium chinense Mill. – not accepted
  Xiphion vulgare Mill. – not accepted
  Zanthoxylum americana Mill. – not accepted – common prickly ash
  Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. – accepted – common pricky-ash, toothachetree, common pricklyash
  Zea alba Mill. – not accepted
  Zea americana Mill. – not accepted
  Zea vulgaris Mill. – not accepted
  Zingiber Mill. – accepted – ginger
  Ziziphus Mill. – accepted – jujube
  Ziziphus jujuba Mill. – accepted

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