| Kingdom | Animalia
– Animal, animaux, animals |
| Subkingdom | Bilateria
– triploblasts |
| Infrakingdom | Deuterostomia
| Phylum | Chordata
– cordés, cordado, chordates |
| Subphylum | Vertebrata
– vertebrado, vertébrés, vertebrates |
| Infraphylum | Gnathostomata
| Superclass | Actinopterygii
– ray-finned fishes, spiny rayed fishes, poisson épineux, poissons ŕ nageoires rayonnées |
| Class | Teleostei
| Superorder | Acanthopterygii
| Order | Scorpaeniformes
– chabots, rascasses, mail-cheeked fishes, scorpion fishes, sculpins |
| Suborder | Scorpaenoidei
| Family | Scorpaenidae
– firefishes, goblinfishes, rockfishes, scorpionfishes, escorpiones y rocotes, rascasses, scorpčnes, scorpénidés |
| Genus | Sebastes Cuvier, 1829 – rockfishes, rockcod, rosefishes |
Direct Children: |
| Species |
Sebastes aleutianus (Jordan and Evermann, 1898)
– rougheye rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes alutus (Gilbert, 1890)
– Pacific ocean perch | |
| Species |
Sebastes atrovirens (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– kelp rockfish, rocote sargacero | |
| Species |
Sebastes auriculatus Girard, 1854
– brown rockfish, rocote moreno | |
| Species |
Sebastes aurora (Gilbert, 1890)
– aurora rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes babcocki (Thompson, 1915)
– redbanded rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes baramenuke (Wakiya, 1917)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes borealis Barsukov, 1970
– shortraker rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes brevispinis (Bean, 1884)
– silvergray rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes capensis (Gmelin, 1789)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes carnatus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– gopher rockfish, rocote amarillo | |
| Species |
Sebastes caurinus Richardson, 1844
– copper rockfish, rocote cobrizo | |
| Species |
Sebastes cheni Barsukov, 1988
| |
| Species |
Sebastes chlorostictus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– greenspotted rockfish, rocote verde | |
| Species |
Sebastes chrysomelas (Jordan and Gilbert, 1881)
– black-and-yellow rockfish, rocote mulato | |
| Species |
Sebastes ciliatus (Tilesius, 1813)
– dusky rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes constellatus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– starry rockfish, rocote estrellado | |
| Species |
Sebastes cortezi (Beebe and Tee-Van, 1938)
– Cortez rockfish, rocote de Cortés | |
| Species |
Sebastes crameri (Jordan in Gilbert, 1897)
– darkblotched rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes dallii (Eigenmann and Beeson, 1894)
– calico rockfish, rocote algodón | |
| Species |
Sebastes diploproa (Gilbert, 1890)
– splitnose rockfish, rocote doble hocico | |
| Species |
Sebastes elongatus Ayres, 1859
– greenstriped rockfish, rocote reina | |
| Species |
Sebastes emphaeus (Starks, 1911)
– Puget Sound rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes ensifer Chen, 1971
– swordspine rockfish, rocote espada | |
| Species |
Sebastes entomelas (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– widow rockfish, rocote viuda | |
| Species |
Sebastes eos (Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890)
– pink rockfish, rocote Santa María | |
| Species |
Sebastes exsul Chen, 1971
– rocote bucanero, buccaneer rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes fasciatus Storer, 1854
– Acadian redfish, Labrador redfish, Acadian rockfish, sébaste acadien | |
| Species |
Sebastes flavidus (Ayres, 1862)
– yellowtail rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes fuscescens (Houttuyn, 1782)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes gilli (Eigenmann, 1891)
– bronzespotted rockfish, rocote bronceado | |
| Species |
Sebastes glaucus Hilgendorf, 1880
– gray rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes goodei (Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890)
– chilipepper, rocote pimienta | |
| Species |
Sebastes helvomaculatus Ayres, 1859
– rosethorn rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes hopkinsi (Cramer, 1895)
– squarespot rockfish, rocote a cuadros | |
| Species |
Sebastes hubbsi (Matsubara, 1937)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes ijimae (Jordan and Metz, 1913)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes inermis Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
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| Species |
Sebastes iracundus (Jordan and Starks, 1904)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes itinus (Jordan and Starks, 1904)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes jordani (Gilbert, 1896)
– shortbelly rockfish, rocote pancita | |
| Species |
Sebastes joyneri Günther, 1878
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| Species |
Sebastes kiyomatsui Kai and Nakabo, 2004
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| Species |
Sebastes koreanus Kim and Lee, 1994
| |
| Species |
Sebastes lentiginosus Chen, 1971
– freckled rockfish, rocote pecoso | |
| Species |
Sebastes levis (Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889)
– cowcod, rocote vaquilla | |
| Species |
Sebastes longispinis (Matsubara, 1934)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes macdonaldi (Eigenmann and Beeson, 1893)
– Mexican rockfish, rocote mexicano | |
| Species |
Sebastes maliger (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– quillback rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes matsubarae Hilgendorf, 1880
| |
| Species |
Sebastes melanops Girard, 1856
– black rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes melanosema Lea and Fitch, 1979
– semaphore rockfish, rocote semáforo | |
| Species |
Sebastes melanostomus (Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890)
– blackgill rockfish, rocote agalla negra | |
| Species |
Sebastes mentella Travin, 1951
– deepwater redfish, deepwater rockfish, sébaste atlantique | |
| Species |
Sebastes miniatus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– vermilion rockfish, rocote bermejo | |
| Species |
Sebastes minor Barsukov, 1972
| |
| Species |
Sebastes moseri Eitner in Eitner, Kimbrell and Vetter, 1999
– rocote manchas blancas, whitespotted rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes mystinus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1881)
– blue rockfish, rocote azul | |
| Species |
Sebastes nebulosus Ayres, 1854
– China rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes nigrocinctus Ayres, 1859
– tiger rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes nivosus Hilgendorf, 1880
| |
| Species |
Sebastes norvegicus (Ascanius, 1772)
– golden redfish, sébaste orangé | |
| Species |
Sebastes notius Chen, 1971
– rocote de Guadalupe, Guadalupe rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes oblongus Günther, 1877
| |
| Species |
Sebastes oculatus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
– cabrilla | |
| Species |
Sebastes ovalis (Ayres, 1862)
– speckled rockfish, rocote manchado | |
| Species |
Sebastes owstoni (Jordan and Thompson, 1914)
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| Species |
Sebastes pachycephalus Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
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| Species |
Sebastes paucispinis Ayres, 1854
– bocaccio, rocote bocaccio | |
| Species |
Sebastes peduncularis Chen, 1975
– Gulf rockfish, rocote del Golfo | |
| Species |
Sebastes phillipsi (Fitch, 1964)
– chameleon rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes pinniger (Gill, 1864)
– canary rockfish, rocote canario | |
| Species |
Sebastes polyspinis (Taranetz and Moiseev in Taranetz, 1933)
– northern rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes proriger (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– redstripe rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes rastrelliger (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– grass rockfish, rocote olivo | |
| Species |
Sebastes reedi (Westrheim and Tsuyuki, 1967)
– yellowmouth rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes rosaceus Girard, 1854
– rosy rockfish, rocote rosado | |
| Species |
Sebastes rosenblatti Chen, 1971
– greenblotched rockfish, rocote motas verdes | |
| Species |
Sebastes ruberrimus (Cramer, 1895)
– rasphead rockfish, yelloweye rockfish, rocote ojo amarillo | |
| Species |
Sebastes rubrivinctus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– flag rockfish, rocote bandera | |
| Species |
Sebastes rufinanus Lea and Fitch, 1972
– dwarf-red rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes rufus (Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890)
– bank rockfish, rocote rojo | |
| Species |
Sebastes saxicola (Gilbert, 1890)
– stripetail rockfish, rocote cola listada | |
| Species |
Sebastes schlegelii Hilgendorf, 1880
| |
| Species |
Sebastes scythropus (Jordan and Snyder, 1900)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes semicinctus (Gilbert, 1897)
– halfbanded rockfish, rocote inspector | |
| Species |
Sebastes serranoides (Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890)
– olive rockfish, rocote falsa cabrilla | |
| Species |
Sebastes serriceps (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880)
– treefish, rocote presidiario | |
| Species |
Sebastes simulator Chen, 1971
– pinkrose rockfish, rocote rosa | |
| Species |
Sebastes sinensis (Gilbert, 1890)
– blackmouth rockfish, rocote boquinegra | |
| Species |
Sebastes spinorbis Chen, 1975
– rocote ojo espinoso, spinyeye rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes steindachneri Hilgendorf, 1880
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| Species |
Sebastes taczanowskii Steindachner, 1880
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| Species |
Sebastes thompsoni (Jordan and Hubbs, 1925)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes trivittatus Hilgendorf, 1880
| |
| Species |
Sebastes umbrosus (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882)
– honeycomb rockfish, rocote panal | |
| Species |
Sebastes variabilis (Pallas, 1814)
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| Species |
Sebastes variegatus Quast, 1971
– harlequin rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes varispinis Chen, 1975
– hidden rockfish, rocote escondido | |
| Species |
Sebastes ventricosus Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
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| Species |
Sebastes viviparus Krřyer, 1845
– Norway haddock, redfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes vulpes Döderlein in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1884
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| Species |
Sebastes wakiyai (Matsubara, 1934)
| |
| Species |
Sebastes wilsoni (Gilbert, 1915)
– pygmy rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes zacentrus (Gilbert, 1890)
– sharpchin rockfish | |
| Species |
Sebastes zonatus Chen and Barsukov, 1976
| |